I just got back from camping this weekend and I have already finished all the dirty camping laundry. It was just hubby and I so not much at all. I always keep my camping clothes packed and ready to go in the trailer in the odd belief that somehow that would give me less to do for the next trip. But I never get less pre-trip work. What I have is more time to do more work. I wonder if I don’t pack my clothes, will I have less work? That’s what should happen, right?? RIGHT!!??

The Family Cabin
by James Caine
4.2 Stars (3,679 Reviews)
Genre: Women’s Fiction | Psychological | Thrillers

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There’s a young woman tied up in the basement of our cabin.

It was supposed to be a fun weekend at our family cabin. I was going to surprise my husband, Mike, with a small get together for his 40th birthday.

Something is wrong though. Mike isn’t himself lately. He goes out often, and by himself, leaving me and our young son. Our happy marriage is fading away and I don’t know why.

This weekend is just what’s needed to cheer him up. It’s what we need for us.

When I get to the cabin and set up, I hear sounds coming from the basement. That’s when I see her. A young woman tied up and scared.

She cries out for me to help her. Before I can, Mike comes to the cabin early.

Who is she? Why is she here?

What has my husband done?

The new psychological thriller from the author of The In-Laws and The Patient’s List. If you’re a fan of page turning thrillers by the likes of Daniel Hurst or Freida McFadden, The Family Cabin will keep you on the edge of your seat.

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The Wild One: A Romance (The Morgan Family Book 5)
by Brooke St. James
4.5 Stars (509 Reviews)
Genre: Literature & Fiction

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Eric Jones was from a small lakeside town my family frequently visited. He was a rebellious, bad boy type who rode skateboards and was the life of the party. He was the type of guy I should avoid at all costs, and I knew it.

My mother had warned me about him, but it was too late. I had a crush on Eric since we were kids, and there was nothing she could say or do to make me think any less of him.

We had chance encounters at my uncle’s lake house over the years, but nothing ever came of that. I thought Eric was destined to be nothing more than a crush and we would never end up together.

But one summer all that changed.

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Marcos Betrayal: The Hunter and The Orb (Marcos Series Book 1)
by MJ Anand
4.3 Stars (127 Reviews)
Genre: Thrillers

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The Himalayas have saved India from many invasions, but when a veteran Border Intelligence Officer dies a cold death in the deep mountains, the intelligence establishment is sent into a tizzy. The information he extracted before dying confirms their worst nightmares. Little do they know it’s just the beginning of a covert invasion that would change the Asian intelligence order forever.

At a time when the Indians are trying to recover from the deadly Mumbai attacks, a more sinister plan is put into motion. The Indians call upon their best, and so Abhimanyu finds himself pulled from his honeymoon. His personal life has been put on hold, once again.

From the high Himalayan mountain passes to the endless horizons of Thar, the leads take him to a point of no return. He wanted to retire soon, but the call of duty stretches him once again. While the enemy remains elusive, the possibility of a mole troubles him even more. Will he lose himself before he finds the truth, or will he let the truth find him and kill him?

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Tempting the Sheriff (Sherwood Forest Shifters Book 1)
by Anna Lowe
4.6 Stars (93 Reviews)
Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy

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Don’t believe what they tell you about Robin Hood, outlaw of Sherwood Forest. There never was such a man. But there is a woman…

That’s me, Robynne: fox shifter, master archer, and jaded outlaw with a fierce desire to avoid trouble. But when my impulsive brother and his merry band of misfits rob a passing carriage, they set off a chain of events that changes my destiny forever. Too late to stop them, I settle for the next best thing: taking from the rich and giving to the poor.

All well and good, except that puts the new sheriff of Nottingham hot on my trail. Operative word: hot, because unlike his predecessor, Daniel is a muscle- and duty-bound knight/dragon shifter freshly back from the Crusades. One who inspires all kinds of new desires…

As outlaw and sheriff, we’re sworn enemies, though we want the same things: justice for the downtrodden, the return of our rightful king, Richard… and a chance to indulge our wildest, most sizzling fantasies.

But that’s not so simple for us star-crossed lovers. The year is 1193 — an era of scheming princes, greedy warlords, and ruthless shifters. To earn our happily-ever-after, Daniel and I must rely on cunning, fierce fighting, and love that burns hotter than dragon fire.

I’ve never let rules, expectations, or impossible odds stop me… but I have to admit, this will be one hell of a challenge.

(And if you hear a canine growling, that’s my fox side. Challenge accepted.)

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A Lesson In Deceit (A Julia Blake Short Cozy Mystery Book 1)
by Gillian Larkin
4.2 Stars (421 Reviews)
Genre: Literature & Fiction

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Julia Blake runs her own cleaning company. She has the unfortunate habit of finding murdered people.
In this story, Julia travels to Edinburgh University to visit her son, Sam. It’s not long before she stumbles upon a dead body. Julia is happy to leave the murder investigation to the police – until her son becomes one of their suspects. Julia has no option but to get herself involved, despite the danger she puts herself in.

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The Fledglings (The Martin Falconer Thrillers Book 1)
by Max Hennessy
4.3 Stars (927 Reviews)
Genre: Literature & Fiction

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Man against man. Face to face. One machine against another.

It was shortly after the outbreak of the First World War. Martin Falconer and his friend, Frank, were anxious to ‘get into the scrap’ as soon as possible, their youth blinding them to the real danger of it all.

Geoffrey, Martin’s elder brother, knew that it wasn’t a game. He had fought in the trenches, been wounded and had seen friends die.

For Geoffrey the R.F.C. offered an opportunity to escape the mud and horror of the Front, while for Martin and Frank it was the chance to be in at the start of a totally different kind of fighting. They were to be pioneers.

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