The Tormented Frog and Other Unusual Fairy Tales
Diana Metz
5.0 Out of 5 Stars (3 Reviews)
Genre: World Literature | Fantasy

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A Collection of Short Stories

From The Tormented Frog:

There was once a lowly frog, Walsey by name, who was unlucky enough to live near a great castle. Walsey was ugly, even by froggish standards.

Walsey was happily squishing muck between his toes when he was jerked out of the soft goo by a gardenia-smelling hankie. He was lifted high into the air, where he came face to face with his assailant.

A pair of hideous blue eyes stared into his for a moment before they closed and he was drawn helplessly toward a pink-painted scrunched up mouth. A loud “smack” was quickly followed by a disgusted “blech!” The awful blue eyes opened again and looked expectantly at Walsey.

He was turned this way and that, and was quite dizzy when he was thrown back into the mud (gardenia hankie and all). Walsey wiped the mud from his good eye and warily watched the billowy yellow beast stomp down the road.

The Tormented Frog and Other Unusual Fairy Tales is a collection of seven imaginative short stories with all of the ingredients of classic fairy tales, but with quirky and contrary twists.

Children will delight in the fun adventures of brave young boys and exceptional princesses. Adults will enjoy the humor and interesting twists on the fairytale world they were grew up with. These stories are fun to read with children, and can be enjoyed by readers of all ages. Laugh out loud at the ugly frog or the ogre with cake on his face. Everyone will find something fun in these outrageous stories.

Included in this collection of short stories:

  • The Tormented Frog
  • The Trouble with Wicked Stepmothers
  • Bootha the Witch
  • A Blessing on Your Child
  • Wishes for the Prince
  • A Matched Set
  • Hatcher

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