My neighbor asked me to take care of her rabbit last night because she was going to be gone all day and wouldn’t be home until late. No problem I said, it’s just a little bunny. One house over! We don’t even have a complete fence between us!! I have never been so creeped out in my entire life. I was sure there were monsters in the dark corners and the Boogie Man was waiting for me on the roof. I thought once I was an adult I would outgrow these silly fears. Bunny fed, I ran all the way home. All 10 feet.

The Color Of The Soul (The Penbrook Diaries)
Tracey Bateman
4.9 Stars (40 Reviews)
Genre: Religious Fiction | Religion & Spirituality

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The story of an old woman’s need for forgiveness, a young man’s drive to succeed, and the history that links them both will keep readers enthralled from beginning to end. A Pandora’s box opens when reporter Andy Carmichael, too light-skinned for acceptance by blacks and too dark-skinned for acceptance by whites, is sent to Georgia to interview Miss Penbrook, an icon of Southern literature. From her deathbed, the mysterious Miss Penbrook gives Andy journals that reveal a surprising twist–“her story and his own meld into one. Will Andy discover the secrets that link their lives before Miss Penbrook dies?

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Adam Light
4.1 Stars (32 Reviews)
Genre: Horror

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Greg is having a bad morning. He overslept and now he is going to be late for work. He can’t even seem to get himself dressed, and all he really wants is a good strong cup of joe. He’s not going to get it. And things are going to go from bad to worse before the day is over.

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Bad Way Out
C. Hoyt Caldwell
4.6 Stars (17 Reviews)
Genre: Literary Fiction | Mystery, Thriller & Suspense

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E.R. Percy’s whiskey making days are turned upside down by the sudden appearance of a giant naked man, an unsavory job offer from a drug dealer, and a sultry local girl hell-bent on making it as difficult as possible for him to keep his vows to his wife. He wants nothing more than to sell his illegal wares and be left alone. Unfortunately, the whiskey man is about to come to terms with the only way for that to happen: the bad way out.

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Blood Men: A Thriller
Paul Cleave
3.9 Stars (82 Reviews)
Genre: Contemporary Fiction | Mystery, Thriller & Suspense

Edward Hunter has it all—a beautiful wife and daughter, a great job, a bright future . . . and a very dark past.

Twenty years ago, a serial killer was caught, convicted, and locked away in New Zealand’s most hellish penitentiary. That man was Edward’s father. Edward has struggled his entire life to put the nightmares of his childhood behind him. But a week before Christmas, violence once again makes an unwelcome appearance in his world. Is Edward destined to be just like his father, to become a man of blood? A true master of the genre, Paul Cleave unveils a brutally vivid picture of a killer’s mind and a city of fallen angels captured at the ends of the earth.

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Still with Me
Thierry Cohen
4 Stars (127 Reviews)
Genre: World Literature | Metaphysical | Coming of Age | Literary Fiction

Jeremy takes his life on his twentieth birthday after childhood friend Victoria rejects his love.

On his twenty-first birthday, he wakes up.

Victoria is at his side, blissfully in love with him. While Jeremy can’t remember the previous year, he savors the miracle of waking up alongside the woman he loves.

The next time he wakes, another year has passed and he finds himself a spectator of his own life. Victoria now carries his child, but the man alongside her is a disturbingly different person—a cruel, egotistical, seemingly unknowable Jeremy. Is it amnesia? Insanity? Or has the God Jeremy defied with his selfish act now cursed him?

This strange and beautiful novel tells the tale of a man lost between life and death, but connected by the love—as friend, lover, son, and father—given and taken over the course of a lifetime, a love that simply won’t let go.

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