It seems I have turned into that creepy little guy Gollum, from the “Lord of the Rings” movies. The one who keeps calling the ring precious, but for me it’s with Summer’s eggs. I wont share my eggs, and I was offended when hubby suggested I use them in a cake mix. Are you kidding me? These are superior eggs! They can’t be wasted on cake mix. Picture me holding the eggs protecting them from the evil doers. Time for hubby to Frodo Baggins up and give me a reality check. After I eat the eggs of course.

Dark Moonlighting
Scott Haworth
4.5 Stars (111 Reviews)
Genre: Satire | Horror | Humor & Satire

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Nick Whittier, having been alive for six centuries, has had plenty of time to master three professions. In a typical week he works as a police officer, lawyer and doctor and still finds time to murder someone and drink their blood. He used to feel guilty about the killings, but now he restricts himself to only eating the worst members of society. Few people in Starside, Illinois seem to care about the untimely deaths of spam e-mailers, pushy Jehovah Witnesses and politicians. However, the barriers between Nick’s three secret lives start to crumble when a mysterious man from his past arrives in town seeking revenge. Nick must move quickly to prevent the three women in his life, and the authorities who are hunting him, from discovering his terrible secret.

Dark Moonlighting is the first book in the humorous series. It explores four of the biggest cliches in popular culture, and it pokes fun at a number of popular television shows including Law & Order, Bones and House. It also takes a more realistic and amusing approach to the vampire cliche. For example, the average human has the equivalent of five Big Gulps worth of blood in their body. Nick takes twenty minutes to kill someone and, like the vampire bat, must immediately urinate afterwards.

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(also available from Amazon. IT )

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Working it Out
Nicola May
4 Stars (21 Reviews)
Genre: Contemporary Fiction | Women’s Fiction | Romance

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Ruby Matthews has a plan. Twelve jobs in twelve months, until she finds the one of her dreams…

After an unexpected redundancy, Ruby begins to question her priorities. Inspired by a quote from Kahlil Gibran about loving your work, she launches her mission to find the ideal job.

Her year of gainful (and sometimes painful!) employment includes nannying for clients in the South of France; dealing with embarrassing ailments in a Harley Street Clinic; waiting tables in a buzzy Soho cafe; and meeting the celebs of years gone by in a home for retired actors. And even though love is no longer top of her list, relationships just seem to start happening along the way – which sees her handing out some P45s of her own!

But will any of the jobs, or men she meets, see her dreams come true? Or will Ruby just end up back where she started?

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(also available from Amazon. DE  FR  IT  ES )

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The Bow Wow Club
Nicola May
4.6 Stars (8 Reviews)
Genre: Romance

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Ruby IS BACK and never expected to be starting over…but after a shocking bereavement, she begins to question whether or not she will ever be happy again.

A chance encounter with handsome author Michael Bell throws her fragile heart into turmoil. Plus, a dark family secret and completely unexpected love interest add to her confusion.

Encouraged to face her demons, she volunteers at The Bow Wow Club – (Boyfriends of Widows, Wives of Widowers).

In this charming sequel to Working it Out you will laugh and cry along with a myriad of eccentric characters as Ruby searches for her inner peace. But will she let love win? Or allow her past to continue to haunt her.

Click here to get this book for FREE
(also available from Amazon. CO.UK  DE  FR  IT  ES )

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The Dragon and the Faerie (Vasara Chronicles)
4.6 Stars (8 Reviews)
Genre: Mythology & Folk Tales | Fantasy

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Born in the Hudson Highlands, 16-year-old Andy and his sister, Emilia explore a crumbling castle that for centuries has housed a dark secret. They discover a gateway to a world inhabited by among other things, dragons, wizards, faeries and, demons. With his older sister in tow, Andy embarks on an adventure that will save two worlds, and shatter his understanding of who he and his sister are, and from where they come.

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(also available from Amazon. DE  FR  IT  ES )

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Chance Nix
4.7 Stars (7 Reviews)
Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense

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Karl Wolf is a feeble and frightful old man. He spends most of his time locked away in his own worn down home. His wife has long since passed away and his only son never comes to see him anymore. Karl, a surviving soldier of World War Two, is burden with the problems of old age. In his elderly state, Karl is finding himself terrified by several things; loneliness, shadows, death, and a string of murders that have recently plagued the local news.

A number of elderly people are being found dead in their homes. Karl is sure that one day he will be the next victim. Upon returning home from visiting his wife’s grave, Karl finds himself in the middle of what could be the next headline. Luckily for him, Karl harbors his own dark secrets.

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(also available from Amazon. DE  FR  IT  ES )

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Grandma’s Guide to raising backyard chickens (Grandma’s series)
Anton Smithers
4.2 Stars (28 Reviews)
Genre: Crafts, Hobbies & Home

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This is a guide for beginners who want to breed a few chickens for their backyard, be it for meat or eggs or both!We cover everything you need in the book :-

* Buying chicks * Choosing which breed is best for you – depending on your needs * Building a correct size coop * Buying and making your own chicken feed * Emergency chick feed * Breeding * Rearing baby chicks * Dealing with problems and disease * Learning chicken behavior * Increasing egg yield * Keeping your chickens happy * Butchering and much much more.

Click here to get this book for FREE
(also available from Amazon. DE  FR  IT  ES )

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