Today we have something for everyone, from science fiction lovers to pet lovers. Beginning with the Star Borne series by author Lars Bergen, filled with action, adventure, and starships. Readers are sure to get hooked on this exciting series. The next books in today’s selection, though very different in content, are very fascinating  glimpses into the personal experiences of author Sharon Delarose.

Fomorian Earth: Star Borne: 1
Lars Bergen
3.9 Stars (20 Reviews)
Genre: Science Fiction | Fantasy | Mythology & Folk Tales

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Past meets future in this tale of giants, dwarves, starships, and medieval warriors. A starship crashes in the land of giants and pits a space-faring race of humanoids against a barbarian race of warrior giants. The Fomorian giants watch in awe as a celestial object streaks across the sky on the eve of Samhain, the bloodiest pagan festival of the year. Druids proclaim that it’s the prophesied Destroyer, and that the end of the world is near. Fomorian mission: seek and destroy whatever fell to Earth. Starship mission: stay alive. One giant has his eye on the blonde-haired Brigit, whose fiancé awaits her in a nearby star system, and the giants attempt to barter for her. Refusing their “generous offer” could put the starship crew at even greater risk. Brigit’s actions at the barter table stun the giants, who’ve never encountered a woman so brazenly bold. Five humanoid races are plunged into a battle for supremacy — giant Fomorians, Humans, Bigfoots, extraterrestrial Tirnogians, and Fenn dwarves — as a child of prophecy lives hidden in the shadows, waiting to fulfill his destiny.

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Shades of Moloch: Star Borne: 2
Lars Bergen
4 Stars (1 Review)
Genre: Science Fiction | Fantasy | Mythology & Folk Tales

A kidnapping ignites an intergalactic war, as the demon-child comes of age on Earth. Is he the spawn of the evil god Moloch? When the demon-child teams up with a Molocha sorceress and a powerful druid to journey into the Land of Shadows, nobody knows whether the trio will save the kidnapped Brigit, or sacrifice her. Brigit’s fate heats up when she is thrown into a dungeon with a dead man walking. The Fomorian giant was resurrected from the dead, but what came back seems almost inhuman. Even his wife is terrified that her now-deranged husband is just a shell for Moloch in the flesh. While shades of Moloch send their icy fingers across Earth, an Algolian warbird approaches Earth from space. The Algolian Admiral Skagg has his finger on the trigger, eager to blast Earth into oblivion. Meanwhile, the Argosy starship Shrike desperately searches for Earth — a planet they know only by name, but not location. War rages, while star-crossed lovers give in to death as they watch the destruction of the Isle of Destiny, ablaze in a pillar of fire. Get ready to adventure with medieval warriors, pagan giants, hairy dwarves, starships, and a wee bit of the steamy side of relationships.

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Renegade Genius: Star Borne: 3
Lars Bergen
4.5 Stars (2 Reviews)
Genre: Science Fiction | Romance

A stolen starship and a dead man’s demons threaten to ignite an intergalactic war, as an unlikely pact between a child genius and a wicked giant spawns a clone with a mind of its own. The clone is on a secret mission, not to steal the kixassa payoff, but to travel to the planet of death — a planet that no one has visited for a thousand years. Unscrambled ethics torment a man who comes back from the dead, only to find himself being kidnapped by a murderer. Meanwhile, pheromones kick into overdrive with kissing cousins, multiple wives, and an adventurous visitor. The steamiest romance, however, is between a man and somebody else’s memory. Another love nest heats up when somebody tries to stop a Celtic wedding. Dwarves befriend giants, children befriend giants, but clones befriend nobody except themselves. When all is said and done, the Humans wish they’d never left Earth, because too many pirates are cruising the galaxy.

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Alien Nightmares: Screen Memories of UFO Alien Abductions
Sharon Delarose
4.4 Stars (15 Reviews)
Genre: Science & Math | Religion & Spirituality

Explore the true-life chronicles of a UFO alien abductee as revealed through vividly creepy dreams and screen memories, haunted by mushroom-skinned beings who followed me for decades from Upstate, New York to Atlanta, Georgia. They came to me in early childhood, long before the advent of the internet and cable TV could put their faces in front of the world. Nobody was talking about little gray aliens, and yet my dreams were full of aliens and UFOs which left glowing circles in the back yard. Those childhood visitations coincided with some of the hottest periods of UFO activity in Upstate, New York: • The massive blackout of 1965 which shut down power over six states and a portion of Canada • The 1965 UFO crash in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania • The Great Ithaca Flap of UFO sightings in 1967-1968 I lived in an amazing world full of terrifying creatures, whirlwinds, bizarre tasks and puzzles, and night visitors who took me and then left me feeling drugged. UFOs flew in and out of my dreams for decades and I’d wake up knowing that this dream was not like the others, especially when they left me utterly terrified. There was no such thing as a safe place and I knew it. As an adult, the UFO dreams followed by night terrors had me turning on all the lights afraid to go back to sleep. Even my cats took part in these alien nightmares, on one occasion being sandwiched in between the inner and outer window of my house as if stuck in an abduction gone awry. Faces rushed at me in the dark, and hands touched me as I laid in bed, even though nobody was in the house. This coincided with more UFO waves hitting the United States:

• Wytheville, Virginia: 1500+ sightings in 1987-1988

• Gulf Breeze, Florida: 200+ sightings from 1987-1992

• Atlanta, Georgia: my UFO nightmares from 1987-1993,

Atlanta being directly on the flight path between Wytheville and Gulf Breeze Were these really just coincidences spanning decades from 1959 into the mid-1990s, including an incident where I went missing as a toddler? Decades marched on and the vivid imagery changed, with end-of-the-world scenarios that left me believing that I’d missed out on the Rapture. Who were they? What did they want? Remember the old saying, “Judge not, lest ye be judged?” Well it’s coming home to roost and it’s riding in on a UFO. Are the aliens the antichrist that the Bible warns of? Or are they our lifeboats to a brave new world? Do they bring a message of empowerment, or are we just rats in a maze? Whoever they are, one thing is certain: We cannot handle their truth. If you are a believer, you’ll see screen memories from an abductee. If you are a skeptic, you’ll see a child with a big imagination and an adult who experiences extraordinarily vivid UFO dreams. Either way, God help you if the nightmares ever come and haunt you…

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Bad Dog to Best Friend
Sharon Delarose
4.6 Stars (10 Reviews)
Genre: Nonfiction | Crafts, Hobbies & Home

From bad dog to best friend, Dakota’s story is a must for anyone with a problem dog. From pottying all over the house, chewing and destruction, Dakota was transformed into a dog who could be trusted with full run of the house all day. Like many dog owners, we adopted a dog expecting fun and games but what we got was a dog who turned our world upside down with bad behavior, dirty tricks, frustration and destruction. I don’t know why we chose to commit ourselves to transforming this dog. We aren’t professional dog trainers and we had no experience in dealing with such a problem dog, but we learned.

We shared our trials and tribulations via several internet articles. So many people left feedback telling us how helpful our articles were that we decided to compile the articles into this book, adding many chapters that we hadn’t before shared. Don’t give up on your dog and abandon him to a shelter. You have the power to save your dog from a life of revolving doors and people who don’t want him. Locked inside of every bad dog is a good dog who just needs a bit of encouragement to come out. Transform your dog into man’s best friend as he was meant to be.

Bad Dog to Best Friend will help you learn the ropes. Bad Dog to Best Friend is full of dog training tips and advice and gives step-by-step methods for potty training your dog, weaning your dog from a crate, teaching your dog not to chew, and you’ll get the inside scoop on why your dog doesn’t listen to you. Learn about the common mistakes dog owners make. Every technique we used, both the successes and the failures, we offer in the hopes of helping other dog owners. For those of you with Australian Cattle Dog/Siberian Husky mixes, there’s a whole chapter devoted just to the Ausky breed. If you own an Ausky you’re in for a wild ride. Learn what to expect from your Ausky and how to handle the quirks of this unusual breed.

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