Intense, intriguing and honest, author Surosh Shafihie shares observations that will  make you question your perspective on reality. The observations in these novels are straight forward and will show you a God resides right above us in the zenith of heaven. Enjoy!!

Jesus the Father: Ancient Secrets of God Revealed
Surosh Shafihie
4 Stars (5 Reviews)
Genre: Religion & Spirituality

It’s 4 a.m. and you’re jolted awake by a nightmare you were having: humanoid pigs chasing you with cleavers. Whatever, work is in a couple hours anyways so you get up and abruptly smash your pinky toe into the shelf. There’s no expression on your face. A quiet whimper is all you can muster because you’re too tired to react. The hot shower soothes your Christ-like pain, then you realize you forgot the towel. You start to sob and accidentally let out a fart, but because of the water it sounds like a quack. Finally you’re back in bed nice and clean, in the peace and quiet you ask yourself, “Does God even exist?” I present to you knowledge of his existence, one of the most important things you’ll need in order to obtain spiritual growth. These are straight forward observations that will show you a God resides right above us in the zenith of heaven. The designs around us have hidden functions and meaning; these things must be observed until their truths are realized unto epiphany. For instance, when you look at a bowl of fruit all you see is fruit, but in reality they are candy for your taste buds. Hosea 6:6: For I desired mercy, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings.

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Of Epiphany
Surosh Shafihie
4.7 Stars (9 Reviews)
Genre: Religion & Spirituality

Proceed with Caution: The contents of this book will fill you with epiphany. I had a burning desire to know whether God was real or not. On one side everyone was saying there was no such thing as a magical God, on the other side everyone was saying there is a God. I had to know for myself, I had to; who was right? There’s so much negativity in the world that I understood why a lot of people didn’t believe. Scripture alone wasn’t sufficient evidence for me either, I needed more, I needed the proof. So I set out to voraciously investigate the creations around me. By doing so I stumbled upon the truths written in this book. At first these observations were solely for myself, but then I realized what my purpose was: to share them.

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