Logan C. Kane has helped countless people with his techniques and strategies, and he can help you too. No upselling, just priceless financial wisdom for the price of lunch.

High Finance: The Secrets Wall Street Doesn’t Want You to Know
by Logan C. Kane
4.7 Stars (18 Reviews)
Genre: Business & Money

Stock market whiz Logan C. Kane learned to navigate through the Wall Street jungle at a young age, making six figures trading stocks and options for his clients before he even graduated high school. Now a few years older and wiser, he breaks down investing, trading and tax saving moves for you in language you can understand. Wall Street has a million ways to separate you from your money, but you can learn their tricks and beat them at their own game. Wall Street doesn’t want you to read this book, because your gain is their loss.


• Why commissions and fees are the number one obstacle facing investors and traders, and how you can drastically reduce them, regardless of your trading style.

• A simple secret that makes you a little more profit every time you trade.

• Formulas for estimating stock and bond returns.

• How credit cards became one of America’s most profitable industries, and how investors can get a piece of the action through P2P lending.

• A trick to passively generate capital gains when investing in bonds.

• Examples of winning trades the author made and how you can replicate them.

• A quick overview of asset protection.

• Tax saving moves for investors at every income level, and much more.

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