This trip was the longest we have spent in our new (to us) motorhome. With a total of five days under our belts, we have learned a few things that we need to adjust. Items we realized we don’t need, and things we absolutely need to get. Nothing huge, but stuff that will make our lives easier when we take our month long road trip up the west coast. The last time I took a road trip like that I was just a teen. It was easier back then to find a place to camp for just a few dollars a night. I have no clue if that is the case anymore. I am really quite nervous about this month long trip we are planning. Or better put, not planning. Hubby just wants to get in the motorhome and drive. No plans at all. YIKES! What an adventure that will be. If any of you have advice for me I would love to hear it. Do you think it’s still possible these days to just jump in a car and drive?

The Devil’s Suitcase
by Francis Joseph Smith
3.9 Stars (519 Reviews)
Genre: Men’s Adventure | Thrillers | Action & Adventure

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Hitler had it placed on the last plane out of Berlin.

The Russians had it covertly buried in the United States.

Now, Terrorists plan on using it to kill millions.

With only weeks until he retires, FBI Special Agent Michael Forsythe must track down an international terrorist hoping to complete the boldest gambit the world has ever seen.

Forsythe has only days to discover the startling answer to a secret held close for over 40 years by both Russian and US officials… or die trying.

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Friends From the Edge
by Heather Balog
3.9 Stars (2,718 Reviews)
Genre: Psychological | Coming of Age

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A missing teenage boy. Three friends who know what happened. A secret they swear never to tell. Until the secret comes back to haunt them… thirty years later. Jack, Matt, Cassie, and Lisa are four friends growing up on “The Edge”, a cul-de-sac in the 80s. The alpha male, the lucky one, the goody-two shoes, and the glamorous hottie that all the boys want. On the outside, they seem to have it all. Yet inside, the teens are shattered in pieces. It is their unbreakable friendship with each other that prevents them from falling apart. Until the one night when tragedy is set forth into motion by their actions, leaving one of the four dead… and missing. The remaining three swear to never speak of that night again… or to each other. They go their separate ways, hoping to bury their mistakes and the past. Thirty years later, one of the friends gets an ominous message. Someone is digging into their past and threatening to expose their secret. Who is it and what do they really want? Is their secret the only thing that isn’t safe, or are their lives in danger, too?

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Tendrils of the Dark
by Hildan Loong
3.5 Stars (2 Reviews)
Genre: Fantasy

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A tale of four sorcerers seeking truth, revenge and the throne.

Upon returning from searching for her long-lost betrothed, Salis is shocked to discover that her house has been burned to the ground. Homeless and desperate, she accepts an invitation from the strange owner of a sinister manor, who turns out to be just the man she’s been looking for.

Meanwhile, her friend Trislov, with just two months left to live, has astonishingly discovered a potted plant which craves his blood. Gwennila, the plant, was cursed by exceptionally powerful assassins.

The fates of four young sorcerers are interwoven with power struggles, friendship, and romance.

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Kissing Beau (Wishing Well, Texas Book 12)
by Melanie Shawn
4.6 Stars (921 Reviews)
Genre: Romance

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Beau Briggs

Exes and weddings don’t mix.

I’d never been a big fan of weddings. So when my first love, whom I hadn’t seen in ten years — since she cheated on me with and married my best friend — , slid into the seat beside me and announced that she was getting a divorce just before the bride walked down the aisle, I took it as a bad omen and almost got up and left. I should have.

I spent the entire wedding fielding questions about my ex being there and how I felt about it. I was going to leave before the first dance but then I saw a woman that made me forget everything, including where I was… so I stuck around.

Sasha Nelson

Heartbreak and alcohol don’t mix.

I’ve always loved weddings. So when I showed up unannounced at my grandma’s house after finding out my live-in boyfriend, who was also my on-screen husband in the soap opera we both starred in, was a cheating pig and she asked me to be her plus one, I figured it might cheer me up to see true love. I was wrong.

I spent the entire wedding fielding questions about the show and my soon-to-be ex, which is why I may have had one too many cocktails before the first dance. I was about to tell my grandma that I wasn’t feeling well and needed to go when I saw a man that made me forget any other men on the planet even existed… I figured one more drink couldn’t hurt.

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Stagecoach to Hell and Back: A Historical Western Adventure Book (Grit and Glory on the Frontier)
by Derek Levine
4.4 Stars (1,234 Reviews)
Genre: Romance | Literature & Fiction | History

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From the age of fourteen, Felix Allen was sure of one thing: he wanted to drive stagecoaches. Everything he knew he had learned from a grizzled old driver with a no-nonsense approach to everything. It was a grueling, thankless job but Felix was made for it. When a clandestine assignment comes up, he reluctantly takes it. A passenger must get to Vallejo with no time to spare and a precious cargo that no one should know about. With life-or-death moments around every twist and turn of the trail, Felix’s skills will be tested like never before.

The weather is against him, danger is at his tracks and the clock is ticking…

Sally Laners had founded the Woodland stage stop, on the road to Sacramento and Vallejo. Ever since her husband abandoned her and her son, she has put all her focus on making Woodland profitable. She enjoys the job and is always happy to see the stagecoach drivers who stop by; especially Felix. She could tell that there was something special about him… When Sally gets caught in a situation that puts everything she’s worked hard to accomplish at risk, will she find the right person to place her trust on?

With her brave face on, she never loses sight of what’s most important to her…

When bandits attack the stagecoach, Felix must fight to defend his passenger and the cargo. In the middle of crossfire, an unexpected realization will make this mission even more dangerous and yet more personal to him. Felix will follow the blood trail until the end… The stakes have never been higher!

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Sprinkles And A Situation (Dogs and Donuts Book 1)
by Emmie Lyn
4.7 Stars (236 Reviews)
Genre: Crime Fiction | Mystery

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A donut a day doesn’t keep disasters away.

I’m Ellie Hart, and when a dog walking job falls in my lap, it looks like my luck has changed. Changed for the worst, that is, when the first thing I do is stumble upon a body.

And the new detective in town happens to be the most eligible bachelor around. And my new boss’s grandson. I’ve signed on for way more than I’d ever wanted.

With my job on the line, my black Lab at my side, and donuts in hand, my only choice is to follow the clues. But when footprints lead to evidence that doesn’t add up, I kick my natural nosiness into high gear.

My life is a complete mess, but with my new passion for sniffing out clues, I might just solve this dirty whodunit before the wrong person is arrested.

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