In an engaging & unique genre all its own, the Fluorescence series by author P. Anastasia, is a striking blend of audacious young love, urban fantasy and sci-fi. Each full-length novel in the series is narrated by a different character, driving the story forward in a new and exciting way. It evolves from a quiet beginning into a gritty, unabashed look at real-life limitations encountered while harboring a volatile secret.

Fluorescence: Fire Starter
P. Anastasia
4.9 Stars (16 Reviews)
Genre: Teen & Young Adult

Book 1 of the Fluorescence tetralogy. (YA Urban Sci-Fi / Paranormal Romance)

Fluorescence lives in her bloodstream. It’s unpredictable and could flare up anywhere, anytime, exposing her secret to the world. Alice was a normal teenager until a dying race of aliens chose her and a handful of others to preserve endangered bioluminescent DNA known as Fluorescence. Now she and the others must hide their condition from the rest of the world, while trying to learn the truth behind the living light.

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Fluorescence: Contagious
P. Anastasia
5 Stars (4 Reviews)
Genre: Teen & Young Adult

Book 2 in the Fluorescence Series.

The fire has been started and things have changed for the Fluorescent Ones. Brian is fighting to keep the seams of a once stable life from unraveling as a massive turn of events thrusts him into chaos. The Saviors had a terrible secret in store, and now he and the rest of the group must make decisions that could impact their future forever.

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Fluorescence: Fallout
P. Anastasia
Genre: Teen & Young Adult


Book 3 in the Fluorescence series. Get your heart pounding with a sexy, thrilling installment that fuels your adrenaline rush until the final page turns. Kareena is struggling to find her place within the group, but will a charming new stranger separate the Fluorescent Ones for good? Decisions must be made and FAST, before the human race becomes threatened by a new evolution of the infection. (215 Pages) Each full-length novel in the series is narrated by a different character, driving the story forward in a new and exciting way. It evolves from a quiet beginning into a gritty, unabashed look at real-life limitations encountered while harboring a deadly secret.

Click here to get this book for $2.99

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