The Allie’s War Series is an urban fantasy new adult romance set in a unique, gritty version of Earth populated by a second race of psychic beings called Seers, the Allie’s War series centers on the relationship of a strong female protagonist, Allie Taylor, and her antihero partner, Dehgoies Revik. The series takes place in a modern version of our world just prior to the apocalypse and a dystopian future, and spans centuries along with the lives of its main characters, the Seers, and the wars they fight with themselves and their human allies and enemies, (appropriate for ages 17 and up – steamy sex scenes in parts!). Enjoy!

New York: Allie’s War Early Years
JC Andrijeski
3.6 Stars (7 Reviews)
Genre: Fantasy | Romance

FREE for a limited time

A prequel novella

The world is dying. Everyone feels it, and yet, no one knows. They said that when the end was near, a Bridge would come, and lead them out of the darkness of that dying world.

Allie Taylor’s life was relatively normal…Until Revik showed up. And told her she was that Bridge.


“I never liked New York all that much…”

Allie calls it her New York jinx. Already on this trip, obnoxious band groupies hang all over her boyfriend, a stalker leaves her cryptic and creepy notes, and she nearly gets arrested watching a Seer get tasered by cops who act like not-cops. One of them, a tall, black-haired guy with strangely colorless eyes, keeps showing up everywhere Allie goes.

But when a religious cult targets Allie for an end of the world ritual, her visit goes from annoying to quite probably fatal.

A prequel novel in the Allie’s War series, an alternate history romance featuring a gritty, unique and modern day Earth with star-crossed telekinetic lovers, Allie Taylor and Dehgoies Revik.

Books in the Allie’s War Series ~

  • Rook: Allie’s War Episodes 1-4
  • Shield: Allie’s War Episodes 5-8
  • Sword: Allie’s War Episodes 9-12
  • Shadow: Allie’s War Episodes 13-17
  • Knight: Allie’s War Episodes 18-23
  • War: Allie’s War Episodes 24-27
  • Bridge: Allie’s War Episodes 28-31

See also, the Prequel Novels ~

  • New York: Allie’s War Early Years – a prequel novella where Allie has an unexpected meeting with Revik in New York, when she’s still with Jaden
  • Revik: Allie’s War Early Years – a prequel novel about Revik in Vietnam during 1974
  • Terian: Allie’s War Early Years – a prequel novel about the sociopathic villain, Terian, and how he reacts to Revik leaving the Rooks

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Allie’s War, An Urban Fantasy: Episode 1
JC Andrijeski
4.8 Stars (8 Reviews)
Genre: Fantasy | Romance

FREE for a limited time

NOTE: This is a serialized novel. For the complete story arc for the first segment, see ROOK: ALLIE’S WAR EPISODES 1-4


“You are the Bridge…”

Like most humans, Allie spent her life distancing herself from Seers, a race of human-like beings discovered on Earth in the early 1900s. Then she catches her boyfriend in the arms of a hot band groupie, and Allie goes from San Francisco artist slacker to the girl wearing the GPS anklet.

That’s the least of her problems, though, compared to the shock of discovering who–and what–she really is.

Yanked out of her life by the mysterious Revik, Allie finds out that her blood may not be as “human” as she always thought. Through Revik she learns the truth: that Seers are nothing like she thought, that the world is nothing like it appears to be…and she has far more in common with Seers than she ever wanted to believe.

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Allie’s War, An Urban Fantasy: Episode 2
JC Andrijeski
5 Stars (2 Reviews)
Genre: Romance | Fantasy

NOTE: This is a serialized novel. For the complete story arc for the first segment, see ROOK: ALLIE’S WAR EPISODES 1-4


“You are the Bridge…”

On the run from dark, terrorist Seers, which her bodyguard, Revik, calls the Rooks, Allie hunkers down in Seattle with Revik and a group of prostitute Seers working for the same side as him. When her relationship to her self-proclaimed “guardian” changes abruptly overnight in ways she can’t comprehend, Allie ends up even more confused about where she fits into this new world…and what it truly means to be Seer.

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Rook: Allie’s War Episodes 1-4
JC Andrijeski
4.2 Stars (43 Reviews)
Genre: Romance | Fantasy

ROOK: Allie’s War Episodes 1-4

“You are the Bridge…”

Like most humans, Allie spent her life distancing herself from Seers, a race of human-like beings discovered on Earth in the early 1900s. Then she catches her boyfriend in the arms of a hot band groupie, and Allie goes from San Francisco artist slacker to the girl wearing the GPS anklet.

That’s the least of her problems, though, compared to the shock of discovering who–and what–she really is.

Yanked out of her life by the mysterious Revik, Allie finds out that her blood may not be as “human” as she always thought. Through Revik she learns the truth: that Seers are nothing like she thought, that the world is nothing like it appears to be…and she has far more in common with Seers than she ever wanted to believe.

Click here to get this book for $2.99

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Shield: Allie’s War Episodes 5-8
JC Andrijeski
4.9 Stars (12 Reviews)
Genre: Romance | Fantasy

SHIELD: Allie’s War Episodes 5-8

“And Death will live among them in the guise of a child…”

Grappling with her new identity as “Bridge,” a being meant to herald the end for all of humanity, isn’t even Allie’s biggest problem. A whole new set of rules around seer culture and her relationship with the infamous Seer infiltrator, Revik, keep getting her in trouble, and the power-hungry Rook she helped put in the White House keeps picking fights with China.

Then the boy appears. A sociopath with all of the energetic markings of Syrimne, a highly dangerous telekinetic seer who killed thousands during World War I, he doesn’t appear to have aged in one hundred years.

Worse, he thinks Allie belongs to him.

Click here to get this book for $4.99

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