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Author: The Basset

The Movie Opens With A Worm

I woke up this morning to find an earthworm in my shower. GROSS! You know that’s how horror movies start. It’s always something strange, but not all that scary nor threatening. Then it turns into a house filled with...

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Time To Give Them Up

At what point is it okay to eat the Christmas candy your kids have in their rooms? It’s almost February! Time to give it up. Maybe I should eat some of it to see if it’s still good. Don’t want them o get sick....

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I Need To Complete The Form

I worry about monsters under the bed when I go to bed each night. I hate turning off the light and then having to run and jump into my bed, avoiding the hand that tries to grab me and pull me into the pit of doom. I feel like...

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Drive Me Crazy

I drive myself crazy. Yesterday was a beautiful sunny day, as well as the night you put out the trash cans. Did I pull out the plants yesterday and fill the yard waste bin then? No. I waited until today when we are as far away...

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