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Author: The Basset

I’m Just Saying

My youngest baby basset and I joined a gym last week. We didn’t join to get in shape. Nope. We just did it because we have an hour to kill while we wait for my oldest baby basset to finish his after school activity four...

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Warm And Flying Cats

The sun is out!!! IT’S WARM!!!!! (Tree branches and small objects fly by) 18 Mile an hour winds??? I don’t care. I’m going to enjoy this sunshine even if a small cat flies at my head. Pilate’s Blood (John...

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The Wizard’s Butler by Nathan Lowell

The Wizard’s Butler by Nathan Lowell (2,813 Reviews) Genre: Fantasy “He thinks he’s a wizard,” they said. For five grand a month and a million dollar chaser, Roger Mulligan didn’t care how crazy the...

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Many Years Of Practice

I just walked to my desk chair and hit the side of it with my ankle. OUCH! How on Earth did I do that? I have been on this planet for a lot of years, and walking around it for most of them. You would think with all that practice...

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