I think Junebug has come a long way since that weird little pup that couldn’t get her feet wet when she had to go outside to do her business. This morning it was raining and she went outside like a boss. Despite the fact that the raindrops were the size of her head. She didn’t even flinch. It was almost as if she were a real dog. Of course when she came back in she demanded to be dried and get the correct amount of cuddles. Still my baby, but a tough one. It almost makes me forget the horrible puppy days of me yelling “JUST PEE! FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD…JUST PEE!!!”.

A Memory for Murder: Mystery (Madigan Amos Zoo Mysteries Book 6)
by Ruby Loren
4.8 Stars (65 Reviews)
Genre: British | Literature & Fiction | Mystery

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A zoo abandoned for years.

An entire family vanished into thin air.

Everyone at Avery Zoo knows the story of the Abraham family’s disappearance. They were planning to open a rival zoo just five miles away from Avery.

And then one day… they were gone.

Seven years later, a new team of investors has decided to complete the project the Abrahams begun. When they contact Madi and offer her a consulting job, she jumps at the chance to help shape the future of the new zoo.

But when Auryn reacts to her new job with anger, she can’t help but wonder… how far would one family go to keep away the competition?

Madi is determined to find out what really happened to the Abraham family, but the old mystery proves to be more dangerous than she’d ever anticipated.

Someone doesn’t like the questions she’s asking… and they’re willing to do anything to keep the mystery unsolved.

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Spark (Legends of the Shifters Book 1)
by J.B. North
4.1 Stars (150 Reviews)
Genre: Teen & Young Adult | Children’s eBooks

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For more than a decade, Ivy Oliver has lived in a dark, crumbling orphanage where she was sent after her parents’ death. Her only hope for a life of simplicity and happiness is the trial, a test that frees her second form from where it’s been buried since her birth.

That hope is dashed, however, when she transforms into a creature that rips her away from the only friends she’s ever had and ensures that her enemies are numerous. She is dragged unwillingly to a school that will discipline her in the ways of survival and defense. There, she makes both friend and foe. She discovers things she never knew about her past and her future. This tiny, insignificant girl is faced with a crushing destiny that might be too staggering for her to bear. She will have to abandon her shy, quiet demeanor and take on a fearless spirit if she wants to survive.

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CRASH: Book 1 of The Obsolescence Trilogy
by Chris Muhlenfeld
4.4 Stars (27 Reviews)
Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy | Science Fiction | Action & Adventure

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And then it went dark…

… the world’s electrical grid was gone.

Who would survive the chaos?

For James and Alexa, they saw it unfold from their ranch, which was a blessing. They were away from the chaos, and they thought they were safe. They thought wrong.

What will they do?

All across the country cities are in crisis.

Logan and his family look out from their Manhattan penthouse. The world is crumbling before their eyes. Unprepared, he’s got to do something. They can’t stay. But how can they leave and where will they go?

Someone has a solution.

It’s Logan’s domestic android.

Can he believe a machine?

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Hearts to Be Mended: A Regency Romance (A Forbidden Love Novella Series Book 6)
by Bree Wolf
4.6 Stars (78 Reviews)
Genre: Literature & Fiction | British | Literary Fiction | Classics

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A lady in love. A gentleman with a reputation. And a secret that keeps them apart.

LADY ELEANOR ABBOTT is in love. However, the one man who manages to send her heart into an uproar with a single smoldering look is the one man she is forbidden to marry. As the fifth son of a baron, the man who conquered Eleanor’s heart is not the match her mother wants her to make. Instead, Eleanor finds herself faced with an endless stream of appropriate suitors and under stern instructions to choose a suitable husband before the season’s end.

HENRY WALTHAM, fifth son of Baron Caulfield, has always considered himself fortunate to have grown up in a close-knit family. However, now that his brother’s less than respectable reputations ruin his every chance to marry the woman he loves, Henry finds himself torn between simply whisking her off to Gretna Green – and let propriety be damned! – and the deep desire to prove himself an honourable man.

However, not everything is as it seems, and soon Eleanor and Henry realise that the key to their future can only be found in the past.

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Country Stories of Ghosts and Bad Men
by Multiple Authors
5 Stars (9 Reviews)
Genre: History | Biographies & Memoirs

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“Country Stories of Ghosts and Bad Men” by Todd Curtis Narron is a compilation of ten stories that are gripping, haunting, sometimes disturbing, sometimes amusing — the whole gamut of emotions. This book ties in so well the theme of the vanishing family farm and rural way of life.
Todd grew up on a tobacco farm in Johnston County; he has a way of telling stories that make the reader feel in the midst of the action. This is the first book authored by Todd.

One by one Riley would easily dig at the shallow graves until the faces of the dead appeared in the light of the lantern, none of which were Wesley. The old man saw more than his share of death as he uncovered and covered the faces which were bloated and contorted with the pain they must have been feeling in the last throws of life. – The Ghost of Old Riley

He said that his mama laid the baby down on the floor real careful like and went over to where the fireplace was which had a small fire going, and started to stoke the fire, putting big chunks of coal and wood into it until he could feel the heat drying his eyes through the opening in the lock. He said the fire lighted the room up so that he could see smudges of dirt on the walls and that meat grease and oil that had clung to the bricks from all the years of cooking were beginning to melt and each time a drop would fall into the fire there would be a hissing sound as if snakes were in the room. – The Chimney

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