Amidst the eerie silence of a decaying estate, a woman’s heart becomes entangled with an enigmatic specter who ignites her deepest passions, unaware that the haunting secret he carries will unveil a love that transcends the boundaries of life and death.

The Haunting of India Lucas: a ghost romance story (Ghost Stories With a twist)
by Sita Arya
Genre: Paranormal Romance

What if I told you that ghosts are real?

Modern day Londoner, India Lucas, wakes up in a strange room and is told she is in the 18th century. At first, she thinks the person who made the revelation is lying, but when she sees no modern appliances whatsoever, she starts to believe him.

India tries to make sense of her new reality, but the more she learns about her time period, the more out of place she feels. However, there is one bright spot in her new life; a handsome aristocrat named William.

William is charming and sophisticated, and India finds herself drawn to him. But the closer she gets to him, the more she realises that he is hiding something from her.

Then, one night she sees a ghostly figure staring at her from the foot of her bed. India is beside herself with fear and doesn’t know who or what is haunting her. To make things worse, William behaves as though she had imagined the apparition and doesn’t comfort her in the way she’d hoped.

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