This morning I saw a bunch of “First Day of School” pictures on my timeline, and I kinda freaked out. WHAT MONTH IS IT!!??? Did I miss half of July?? Nope! We are still in July. I can still celebrate Christmas in July. So where are the ceramic Christmas trees at?

One Woman Falling (Whispers of Grace Book 1)
by Melanie Campbell
4.5 Stars (130 Reviews)
Genre: Religious & Inspirational Fiction | Religion & Spirituality

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Cassie Peterson lives in an invisible prison of fear, chained by self-doubt and guarded by a relentless warden — her husband. Derrick’s verbal abuse as well as his alcoholism have left Cassie alienated from her family, without friends, and certain she can’t survive on her own.

After an unexpected police visit, Cassie realizes the survival of her four-year-old daughter, Renee, depends on Cassie’s courage to leave. What she doesn’t plan on is Derrick’s vengeful custody fight.

While walking through the treacherous world of divorce, Cassie is encouraged by her spunky new friend, Missy Langdon, to pursue her love of waterfalls. Cassie finds solace in the waterfalls on the agonizing weekends she’s forced to hand Renee over to Derrick. Meanwhile, unexpected help comes in the form of Brian Sutton, an attorney at the firm where Cassie works — but what price will she ultimately pay for his assistance?

As Derrick’s threatening behavior escalates, Cassie questions her choices. How long will her daughter suffer before the custody case is resolved? Why is she drawn to waterfalls during this chaotic time? And who will stand with her when everything comes crashing down?

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You First
4.6 Stars (94 Reviews)
Genre: Literature & Fiction

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He’s her brother’s best friend… she’s his biggest regret.

Genevieve Michaels didn’t realize how much emotional preparation she needed to do for her brother’s wedding. But when Leo Bishop walks into the bar five days before the big day, she’s reminded of exactly why she can’t stand her brother’s best friend… and exactly why she plans to steer clear of him all week.

But within minutes, Leo and Genevieve are back to their usual childish antics. They grew up together, and they have a lot in common: their love for basketball and her brother, along with their innate ability to pick a fight with each other. But not this week. This week Genevieve is determined to play nice and avoid him as much as possible.

When wedding chaos ensues, Leo and Genevieve are forced to work together to ensure the wedding goes off without a hitch. As they eliminate each disaster, they uncover all the reasons they can’t stand each other, and all the reasons they once thought it could be love.

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Confessions of a De-cluttering Junkie: (a novel) (The Rockland Chronicles)
by Chautona Havig
4.2 Stars (152 Reviews)
Genre: Humor & Satire | Religion & Spirituality

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My name is Kaye and I’m a de-cluttering junkie. It’s been three minutes since I tossed something.

Kaye has had it-utterly fed up with the constant junk that clutters her life. So, armed with a stack of books that each guarantee to teach her the secret to living a clutter-free life, Kaye embarks on a journey that takes her from clutter bug to clutter free-and beyond.

Her family doesn’t know what to think of her and her new obsession.

While her husband does enjoy the streamlined beauty of his new life, he is also just as frustrated as their sons as Kaye goes from clean up to clear out-including treasured possessions.

Who knew that what started out as a survival technique would become an addiction?

Confessions of a Decluttering Junkie includes all seven episodes of Diary of a Decluttering Junkie in this one volume.

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White Wolf and the Ash Princess (The White Wolf Series Book 1)
by Tammy Lash
4.4 Stars (123 Reviews)
Genre: Action & Adventure | Historical Fiction

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Grace Award Finalist!

White Wolf and the Ash Princess is a delicious, fictional blend that is sure to please any reader. Historical, romance, adventure, faith-based, with a fairy-tale feel!

Memory loss prohibits Izzy from remembering her life before age seven. All she knows is the terrible trauma left her with physical scars. Now, eleven years later in seventeenth-century England, Izzy’s crippling panic is determined to keep her locked in the Gudwyne Estate and away from her past. It’s Tubs, the young stable boy, that finally encourages her to venture beyond the property’s rock wall into a world that promises answers but also great danger. But the answers are nowhere near what Izzy expected, and she learns that her past has been hidden away by the one person she trusted most.

Many years ago, in an effort to right the wrongs his father forced him to commit, Jonathan saved a young Ojibwe girl and made a deal with her tribe – he’d keep her safe in England temporarily but bring her back home when she came of age. The problem is, he’s fallen in love with her. But how can she love him back when the darkness of his past is so thoroughly entwined with hers?

A cellar full of secrets sets both of them on a path to the New World. In the wilds of America, Izzy and Jonathan discover the legends they see aren’t the fairytales from back home, and both will have to accept the darkness of their pasts if they hope to move forward into a brighter future together.

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Last Gun: The Legend of John Selman (Texas Legends Book 1)
by Gene Shelton
4.4 Stars (102 Reviews)
Genre: Classics | Historical Fiction

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John Henry Selman was the Texas gunslinger who shot outlaw John Wesley Hardin at the Acme Saloon in El Paso in 1895.

This is a work of fiction based on the life and times of Selman, one of the Old West’s deadliest but least-known gunmen.

Selman lived on both sides of the law — as leader of the vigilant Texas Home Guard and hired gun for the Seven Rivers gang. He was a deadly accurate shooter and left a bloody trail across the West. And in a gunfight that would create a legend, John Selman faced the West’s most infamous outlaw, John Wesley Hardin, in one of the most notorious gunfights the Old West has ever known.

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