So I am watering my plants yesterday, and it occurred to me that I am probably ruining the day of a lot of little bugs. I have drippers installed in most of the beds, but there are a few spots that are missed. I can just imagine that all that water splashing down on a poor bug that lives in that plant must be terrifying. They must think that I am some horrible overlord that comes in at random times and with evil intent dumps mass amounts of water on them to destroy their land and lives. I can’t be too far off. I have never seen a bug wave at me or try to give me a high five.

Facing the Storm (Brice Bannon Seacoast Adventure Book 1)
by David DeLee
4.1 Stars (446 Reviews)
Genre: Men’s Adventure | Action & Adventure | Sea Adventures

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Book 1 in the pulse-pounding Brice Bannon Seacoast Adventure series.

Brice Bannon served fifteen years in the Coast Guard, most recently as captain of the Deployable Operations Group, (DOG), the Coast Guard’s version of the Army’s Special Forces and Navy’s Seals operations. When the command was decommissioned, rather than accept re-assignment, Bannon retired from the full-time Coast Guard. But Bannon didn’t leave the Coast Guard behind completely. He remains in the Reserves.

Recruited by the Secretary of Homeland Security, he leads a small, secretive team of specially-trained, highly-skilled operatives capable of responding to and investigating specific, targeted threats against the homeland. Threats that cannot be effectively handled by standard operating means. Threats that call for a unique and often secret approach outside the normal channels of either Homeland Security or the Department of Defense.

When not risking his life for the government, Bannon runs the Keel Haul, his bar in the resort town of Hampton Beach, on the New Hampshire seacoast. There, he also operates as a small town private investigator and tends to get himself in big trouble along with the help of his two best friends and teammates; Tarakesh “Blades” Sardana and CWO Skyjack McMurphy.

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Harpy (Coven Book 1)
by David Neth
3.9 Stars (12 Reviews)
Genre: Fantasy

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Saving him is their job, but it won’t get his victim justice.

Samantha and Kathy are witches who protect the nonmagical from evil. So when they spot a coven of harpies targeting Mark, a nonmagical man, they immediately rush to save him.

With the threat of the harpies still looming over Mark, the sisters learn more about him and the target on his back. Namely, that the harpies are hunting him to drag him to hell to pay for his crimes against a young woman. However, that presents a dilemma for Samantha and Kathy: do they follow their duties as witches and save the man who harmed a young woman or do they step aside and let the harpies drag him to hell to pay for those crimes?

The clock is ticking and the longer it takes Samantha and Kathy to decide what to do, the more innocent people that will be hurt by the harpies while they wait to sink their claws into Mark.

Harpy is the first book in the Coven series, which serves as a prequel series to the Under the Moon series.

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by Kimberley Reeves
4.4 Stars (511 Reviews)
Genre: Foreign Languages | Romance

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When I’m broken and nothing seems to make any sense, I go back to the ranch, to my beautiful Jessie. Jess… fixes me, makes me whole again.

Those were the words written in Adam’s journal shortly before he died. His twin brother, Mitch, has never met Jessie, but believes she must be a very special woman to glue his brother back together time after time. Now it is up to Mitch to tell her that Adam is gone, that he will never again return to her waiting arms. He doesn’t want to be the one to break her heart, but what choice does he have?

On the drive to Jessie’s ranch, Mitch devises a way they can both put closure on Adam’s death. Posing as Adam will give Jessie one last time with him. Mitch can give her the memories she deserves, let her hear the words Adam should have spoken to her when he had the chance. And in the process, maybe Jessie can ease some of the ache in his own heart.

It is a simple plan; give Jessie a lifetime of memories, mend his own broken heart, then leave and send word of Adam’s death. But the moment Mitch arrives at the ranch, his plan begins to fall apart. Jessie is everything his brother said she was, everything Mitch could ever hope for in a woman. Now he must spend the rest of his life pretending to be Adam, or tell Jessie the truth and risk losing her forever.

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In Dark Water: A compulsive Scottish detective novel (Detective Shona Oliver Book 1)
by Lynne McEwan
4.4 Stars (1,808 Reviews)
Genre: Literature & Fiction | Crime Fiction | Thrillers | Mystery

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Beneath the surface lie deadly secrets…

DI Shona Oliver agreed to move to Dumfries with her ex-banker husband when their teenage daughter got in with a bad crowd in London. As a Glasgow native, she’s back on home turf.

Living on the shores of the Solway Firth allows Shona to continue as an RNLI volunteer, and a call out to recover a woman’s body indicates foul play. Police in Cumbria take the case but links back to Scotland keep Shona’s team involved. As they investigate, reports of people trafficking and a spate of thefts from local shops compete for attention with a large scale drug bust. But Shona’s work may all be in vain when those close to her threaten to tear the case apart – and ruin Shona in the process.

An unforgettable debut novel by a Scottish crime writer to watch, for fans of Val McDermid, Marion Todd and Lin Anderson.

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Strike the Red Flag: Thrilling naval warfare with Lieutenant Oliver Anson
by David McDine
4.1 Stars (1,084 Reviews)
Genre: War | Thrillers

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Red flags flutter at the mastheads of the Channel Fleet ships gathered at the Spithead anchorage.

It is 1797, and unrest is spreading – to Plymouth, backdrop to Francis Drake’s Armada heroics two centuries earlier, and to the Nore, the great anchorage at the gateway to London. For the downtrodden sailors whose pay has not been increased for a hundred years it is time to strike for better pay and conditions. But, according to the Articles of War, akin to holy writ on board His Majesty’s ships, it is mutiny. And at a time when Britain is at war with Revolutionary France and threatened with invasion, the nation is plunged into grave peril.

Young Lieutenant Oliver Anson is awaiting transfer to duties aboard a frigate in the Mediterranean. Any ideas of idleness while he waits are swept aside when he is ordered to travel to Portsmouth on a mysterious mission. What are the contents of the papers he is to deliver personally to the flag officer there? Who among his fellow travellers on the express Royal Mail coach would try to steal them? How can he survive a more dangerous attack after being despatched to the Nore on a further secret assignment?

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Antiques, Artifacts & Alibis (Dogwood Springs Cozy Mystery Book 1)
by Sally Bayless
4.5 Stars (550 Reviews)
Genre: Mystery

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A new job, a new friend, and a newly adopted furry companion. Then there’s the dead body in her new office.

Libby Ballard, director of the history museum in the small town of Dogwood Springs, Missouri, is eager to build a new life. She’s only been in town a few days, but already she’s settled into an apartment, made friends with a neighbor, and adopted a lovable dog.

But the idyllic charm of Dogwood Springs is about to be shattered by the shocking discovery of murder. When Libby walks into her new office, she finds the lifeless body of her predecessor.

The shadow of a killer looms over the museum, threatening to derail Libby’s new job before it even begins. To make matters worse, the police wrongly target one of her staff members as the prime suspect.

If Libby wants to clear her colleague’s name and save her own job, she must delve into secrets and lies to find the truth.

Join Libby as she hunts for the real killer!

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Manhunter: Frank Hamer, Texas Ranger
by Gene Shelton
4.6 Stars (611 Reviews)
Genre: Westerns | Historical Fiction

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Best known as the Texas lawman who played the major role in bringing down Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow on May 23, 1934, Frank Hamer was already a legend before that bloody shootout in Bienville Parish, Louisiana – the final act of a long and courageous career.

There is more to Hamer’s story than the ambush of the two outlaws. His career spanned the times of western law enforcement from horseback and Winchester days to the invention of the telephone and automobile. During that time, he built a reputation as an incorruptible lawman, fearless, a good man with a gun whether on horseback or behind the wheel of a Ford V8, or facing a violent mob. He survived 52 gunfights and 23 bullet wounds.

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