The Age of Rekindling is the first saga in the Legends of Elessia series, an epic fantasy tribute to classics like The Forgotten Realms and The Wheel of Time set in a grittier, low-magic world reminiscent of The Witcher. It tells the tale of Eregar, a decorated knight who’s spent decades in the shadow of his first great victory, and the group of young mercenaries hired to help him investigate monster sightings… and rumors of a sorceress claiming to be one of the North’s patron deities. But not all is what it seems. There are plenty of secrets between the mercenaries, and some among them value gold more than their comrades’ safety…

Blades of The Ice: A Dark Fantasy Adventure (Legends of Elessia Series: Age of Rekindling Prequel)
by Luís Falcão de Magalhães
4.6 Stars (27 Reviews)
Genre: Literature & Fiction

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In a land ruled by patriarchy, an assassin sisterhood delivers justice from the shadows.

Now, their mysterious patron has charged burly fighter Erika Langeshen and lithe shadow-stalker Annah Barksdottir with uncovering a plot against the very rulers that have mistreated and oppressed them their whole lives.

Their quest will take them to a faraway village on the borders of the Razor Teeth Woods, where they will need to use all the tricks of their trade to build a base of power and expose the machinations of the local lord and his allies.

But before they do, they must break into one of the Patriarchate’s fortresses and retrieve an unlikely ally…

Blades of the Ice is the prequel novella to The Daughter of The Ice, the first book in the Legends of Elessia: Age of Rekindling series. Expect a fast-paced sword & sorcery adventure in the style of R.A Salvatore and an homage to the Forgotten Realms fantasy series. Readers and reviewers alike have compared it to The Witcher and The Wheel of Time.

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The Daughter of The Ice: A Dark Epic Fantasy Novel (Legends of Elessia Series: Age of Rekindling Book 1)
by Luís Falcão de Magalhães
4.6 Stars (46 Reviews)
Genre: Fantasy

After a thousand-year slumber, the goddess of frost awakens to a world that has all but forgotten her. She will rule again… Even if it means covering Elessia in icy death.

Eregar, a decorated knight in his twilight years, longs for one final adventure — one last chance to test himself against sword and sorcery. When rumors arise of a would-be goddess building an army to the east, he jumps at the offer of leading a band of young mercenaries into the heart of the distant Frozen Plains.

He doesn’t suspect that these are no common sell-swords. Annah Barksdottir and Erika Langeshen, members of a secret assassin sisterhood, have manipulated the street-wise thief Johan and the adventurous red-haired swordsman Andoh into letting them join… and they have an agenda of their own.

But when dark-clad warriors unleash an army that knows no death upon the last bastion of civilization, and the chilling embrace of a curse looms over the group, they must come together in a desperate fight for survival… And Eregar will find that more than his mettle is to be tested, lest the icy wrath of The Daughter of The Ice consume them just as it threatens to engulf Elessia.

Delve into the frozen secrets of Elessia in this enthralling sword & sorcery saga, perfect for fans of the action and intensity of The Witcher, the epic world-building of The Dragonbone Chair, and the charismatic characters of The Wheel of Time.

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The Champion of The Ice: A Dark Epic Fantasy Novel (Legends of Elessia Series: Age of Rekindling Book 2)
by Luís Falcão de Magalhães
4.8 Stars (18 Reviews)
Genre: Fantasy

The Daughter of The Ice is no more. But not even death will stop Her Champion’s march.

Erika Langeshen has left her mercenary past behind to become a rising star among the knights of The Tower — the first woman to be accepted into their brotherhood in generations. Her friends, the former thief Johan Desert-Touched and the assassin Annah Barksdottir, now rub shoulders with nobility as a reward for their service to the rulers of the City-States.

But their untroubled lives are not to last.

When winter refuses to fade, the undead rise again and a demonic army lays siege to the land they call home. At its head marches a ruthless warlord, wielding a blade with the power to bring nightmares to life.

Erika, Johan, and their companions enter a race against time to reforge the artifacts wielded by their ancient gods in a bid to stop The Champion of The Ice before his armies cover Elessia in icy death…
… but what they don’t suspect is that it is an old ally who wears the Champion’s mantle, and he knows all their strengths… and weaknesses.

The Champion of The Ice is the second chapter in a new sword & sorcery series set in the world of Elessia, filled with charismatic characters and intense action. Readers and reviewers alike have said it evokes the best parts of The Witcher, The Dragonbone Chair, and Wheel of Time.

Click here to get this book for $2.99

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