Author Edita A. Petrick has traveled the world, and done field work that took her to places that have not even heard a hunter’s footfall. She writes hi-octane, adventure-driven mysteries, suspense-thrillers, romantic paranormal suspense and sci-fi. Her stories blend myths and legends from ancient and modern history, with just a touch of out-of-this-world speculation. This exciting collection is sure to keep readers on the edge of their seat. Grab your copy today!

The Riddle Man
by Edita A. Petrick
4.1 Stars (59 Reviews)
Genre: Romance | Mystery

Some yesterdays can kill your tomorrow…

She’s a millennial, living a quiet, unassuming life in small town, Idaho. As far as the government knows, she owns nothing. The house is not hers. It belongs to the government. The name on her driver’s license barely registers when a customer calls her. And why should it? It’s not hers either. Most days she feels dead — inside and out.

Then a new neighbor moves into the house next door. He looks as if he carries the whole world on his shoulders and seldom lifts his head. His boring gray sedan sits in the driveway. His windows are heavily shuttered. There are no deliveries to his house. At least none that she’d seen. Then again, she’s long lost her perspective on what is normal, what is ordinary and what is dangerous. Still, being reclusive shouldn’t mean he’s a serial killer. She decides to be neighborly and invites him over. And suddenly, she’s staring at her living room wall, freshly ripped with bullets. And just like that, the past she thought dead-and-buried, comes looking for her. It reaches after her with claws that mean to rip and shred, whatever life she’s managed to patch together.

To run means to be hunted again. To stay… is not an option.

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The Path of Silence
by Edita A. Petrick
4.3 Stars (80 Reviews)

Meg Stanton rides a desk in the cold case unit with the Baltimore PD. Her day starts like any other — with parent-child struggles, a dire need for a large coffee and a partner who is a conglomerate of neuroses. However, it ends like no other day… with a dead body on the hood of her partner’s car that signals a beginning of a strange journey of self-destructing bodies, all fitted with pacemakers that make them vulnerable to the killer. Who is the mastermind behind all this? Who could callously use his fellow man as living guinea pigs for an ingenious new weapon? And how many people will have to die before Meg finds answers even as her life is unraveling around her… ?

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Thy Killer’s Keeper
by Edita A. Petrick
3.7 Stars (55 Reviews)
Genre: Science Fiction

An unsolved murder of a small-town teacher is only the beginning…

Some crimes are inexplicable and defy reason. John Salton doesn’t believe that. As a veteran FBI agent and profiler, he maintains that there is a motive and a reason for every crime… until the unthinkable hits home. Three years after his artist-wife picked up and lit an acetylene torch and approached her two-year old, the father still can’t deal with the horrible memory. It might be the reason why he fashions an outlandish theory for what really happened to his family.

There is no category in the FBI database for ‘murder-by-proxy,’ much less a murder by invisible intruder. However, when a series of senseless and bizarre murders ripples the coast of California with more fury than an earthquake, Agent Salton’s far-out theory is about to be put to the test.

This futuristic crime suspense story will take you on a thrilling and exciting journey of the rapidly encroaching and not-so-far-fetched future.

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Simple Evidence
by Edita A. Petrick
3.6 Stars (44 Reviews)
Genre: Mystery | Romance

A cabin in the woods… filled with memories of death

As a child, Seabring Roberts was kidnapped and held captive in a cabin with her younger brother, Andrew, while her father was forced to sabotage a crucial military jet engine project. He paid for it with his life but managed to set free only one child. At the time, Seabring could only hear her father’s voice, pleading for the life of his children. As an adult, another voice enters her world — survivor’s guilt.

The perpetrators were never found, but her father’s memory and treachery are well-documented. The Air Force Special Investigations team gave up searching for the perps ten years ago. Seabring never did.

And the players hiding in the shadows for decades are still worried about what the child might have overheard in the dusty cabin in the woods — and what evidence she might still be hiding. She wants justice for her father. They want her dead.

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Masters of Illusion – Books 1 and 2
by Edita A. Petrick
Genre: Science Fiction | Horror

They have been hiding in plain sight for thousands of years. You just have to see through them… through their avatars.

Avendars. They were explorers… until they became stranded. And turned into survivors. But lately, surviving doesn’t seem to be enough.

Some are predatory, others visionary. And then there are those like Niven, who come from a long line of guardians. But, no matter what the species, no matter how well they managed to survive on Earth, their ranks are dwindling. Many believe their collective racial diversity is on the brink of extinction. And then there are a few of those who believe the answer to all their problems lies in the stars — and that’s where they should return, to their respective home worlds. It’s a good plan with a potential to grow into a great plan. And like all great plans, this one calls for a sacrifice that only one of the stranded explorers is willing to make. Some would call it heroic. But others, like those whose world has hosted the cosmic visitors for millennia would have a different name for it — Armageddon.

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