I love when something makes me laugh out loud, and this quote that popped up on my timeline made me scream. “I don’t know who needs to hear this, but whatever you’re going through , it’s your fault”. This is pretty much what my friends hear from me when they are upset or going through something, and it is fully their fault. I am very blunt with my friends. I don’t always mean to be, but sometimes it just falls out of my mouth before I even have a chance to think about it. If I have a friend who is really upset and needs a shoulder to cry on, I always have to make a very conscious effort not say something insensitive. Fortunately my friends know I am always honest with them. Even if the truth might sting a little. Needless to say my friend group is small, but strong. HAHA.

Escape to Osprey Cove: Book 1 of The Osprey Cove Lodge Series
by Luisa Marietta Gold
4.2 Stars (2,641 Reviews)
Genre: Romance | Contemporary Fiction

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What Doug finds in the secret compartment of his new red Corvette will forever change his life. It will also change Catherine’s. Doug and Catherine come from two different worlds. Catherine’s world is one of privilege and wealth. Doug grew up dirt poor and full of envy of others who had the things that he wanted but could not have. His goal was to one day have all the things he coveted. Their worlds collide when Catherine, VP of a large New York City marketing firm, hires Doug. As soon as Doug learns of Catherine’s wealth, he sees Catherine as his ticket to all the things he covets. After a whirlwind courtship, they are married. Poor boy meets rich girl should have resulted in happily ever after — not exactly. Doug quickly learns he also covets independence. Events begin to unfold in each of their lives. For Doug, it is his mysterious discovery in the secret compartment of the Corvette. For Catherine, it is a business meeting with Alex Droxell at the Osprey Cove Lodge. When Catherine enters the beautiful and serene lodge, it’s as though she is entering another place and time. The lodge is an escape from the nightmare she is living back home. Authors Note: The Osprey Cove Lodge series is uniquely written, spanning seven geographic locations from the scenic Canadian region of the Rideau lakes to the beautiful shores of the Caribbean. An interesting web of mystery develops as the characters’ lives intertwine. The setting for The Osprey Cove Lodge series was born from my love of the beauty of this region in Canada. The description of the lodge is so beautiful and inviting that you will want to pack your bags and head there. The series is written in a continuing fashion; please be sure to read the books in the order written.

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Immortal Sins
by Maurice Winterborn
4.9 Stars (11 Reviews)
Genre: Action & Adventure | Fantasy

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The Chained God, the protector of truth, power and knowledge, has reigned in the North for centuries. Now, dark forces rise in the South, threatening peace and stability of all united in his name.

New gods.

Cruel, dominant, wrathful.

The last bastion of the people has held strong for more than four years, but the fighting has taken its toll, leaving hope tied together with fragile strings. The Invaders’ chaotic beliefs slowly engulf the land and dark forces start to awaken, both outside of the Empire and within.

Dimitri Savandiel saw his world crumble when the southern Empire, Vivaria, declared war on his home nation of Haven. For years, the country has known nothing but divide and death as the true King was slain and his deceitful brother took the throne, handing the land to the Invaders.

The battle for Haven shall be bloody, indeed.

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Trencher’s Bunker
by Shane Noble
4.6 Stars (186 Reviews)
Genre: Science Fiction | Thrillers

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Our global elite secure their survival well before the common people know a thing.

Marcus Trencher, a brilliant but reclusive tech industrialist, is brought in to design massive superbunkers for this privileged class. In exchange for his talents, he only asks to oversee construction of one his own. It becomes nothing short of a subterranean palace. His life underground was to be comfortable above all else.

Near the doomsday deadline, he sends his closest friend Henry Plyman to recruit desirables to join them. Plyman believes he is filling vital roles to service a population of hundreds, if not thousands. That isn’t exactly the case.

Unlike Plyman, Timothy Spencer refuses any part of Trencher’s plan.

Spencer secures a bunker bid, but elsewhere, and nowhere near as luxurious. He mines coal and subsists on a soy-based protein drink. His wife is depressed and his children grow ill. He cannot shake the sense that Trencher has a presence in his miserable new home, and he begins to investigate.

It becomes a tale of two bunkers – one for the haves, and one for the have-nots.

Conspiracy runs deep. Truth tends to surface.

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Introductions: The Ghost Bird Series: #1
by C. L. Stone
4.4 Stars (3,847 Reviews)
Genre: Teen & Young Adult

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With an agoraphobic mother and a barely-there father, Sang abhors the isolation keeping her in the shadows. The only thing Sang craves is a fresh start and to be accepted as ordinary by her peers, because for her being different meant being cast out alone. When her family moves to a new school district, Sang infiltrates a group of boys nearly perfect in every way. Grateful for an influence outside of her parents’ negativity, she quickly bonds with the boys, hoping to blend in and learn from them what it means to have a natural relationship with friends. Only the boys have secrets of their own and they’ll do anything to keep her safe from the knowledge of the mysterious Academy that they’ve sworn allegiance to. Bit by bit, Sang discovers that her friends are far from the normalcy she expected. Will her loyalty change when she’s forced to remain in the dark, or will she accept that she’s traded one house of secrets for another? Meet Kota, Victor, Silas, Nathan, Gabriel, Luke and North in a story about differences and loyalty, truth and mystery, friendships and heart-throbbing intimacy. The Academy, ever vigilant.

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Under Siege (Battleground Vietnam Book 1)
by Eric Meyer
4.1 Stars (547 Reviews)
Genre: War | Historical Fiction

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Under Siege is an incredible fictional story based on the events surrounding the Siege of Khe Sanh. A story of heroic Marines, tough, brave men fighting for their lives in the middle of the dense, hostile Vietnamese jungle.

US Army Warrant Officer Carl Yeager, on his second tour of Vietnam, reaches Khe Sanh in late January 1968. His mission is to arrest an ARVN officer, guilty of murder and selling stolen weapons to the Vietcong. Things start to go wrong when the aircraft on which is due to fly back with the prisoner to Tan Son Nhut, outside Saigon, is destroyed by enemy shellfire. The shells do more than damage the aircraft. They uncover the body of an American officer in a hastily dug grave. A murder has been committed on the Combat Base, unusual even in this place where imminent death is every Marine’s constant companion. The troops blame ARVN for the murder, threatening the morale of the defenders.

Ordered to investigate, Yeager refuses. His orders are to return to Saigon with the prisoner. The Deputy Commander of the base points out the man is due for execution anyway, so he ends Yeager’s mission with a field execution. Leaving him free to investigate. Not everyone is satisfied. Emerging from his temporary sleeping quarters, he comes face-to-face with a Claymore mine. Later that day another murder victim is found in the armoury. Faced with a murderer on the loose they assign an Army Ranger to watch his back. Yet there is worse to come. The investigation demands he ascends to an outpost, Hill 871, to interview a witness. In time to encounter shelling, a strong attack by NVA infantry, and an unexpected reporter, a female, chasing down a story about defective M-16 rifles.

Warrant Officer Carl Yeager pursues the tortuous threads presented to him, looking for a solution that may not exist in a place where the solution to most things is death. Under Siege is brought to you by the bestselling writer Eric Meyer, author of the popular SEAL Team Bravo stories, Heroes of Afghanistan, Raider, Echo Six, and Devil’s Guard titles.

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Where the Fireflies Dream
by Emily Nelson
4.4 Stars (200 Reviews)
Genre: Literary Fiction | Contemporary Fiction

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Where The Fireflies Dream is by award-winning novelist Emily Nelson. Her next novel, Why The Willow Weeps, releases this year.

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