Yesterday I finally moved all those boulders I bought off Facebook because I just HAD to have them. While they were just sitting in the side yard they were rocks, but yesterday as I picked them up one by one, they became massive boulders. The only reason I moved them yesterday was because I saw more rocks/boulders I just had to have on Marketplace. I just couldn’t justify buying more if I still haven’t used the ones I had. Right now my back and legs are screaming at me to please stop. I just started singing Baby Shark to drown out the noise. MORE ROCKS PLEASE!!!!

Crime Czar: a Rollicking New Orleans Legal Mystery (Tubby Dubonnet #5) (The Tubby Dubonnet Series)
by Tony Dunbar
3.9 Stars (4,229 Reviews)
Genre: Thrillers | Mystery

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The FIFTH funny, offbeat, and surprising legal thriller in the Tubby Dubonnet series.

A New Orleans lawyer who’d rather eat, drink, and swap stories than get caught in court, Tubby Dubonnet can’t forget the last words that escaped an old friend’s lips, and he can’t get out of the way of a political campaign that’s turning rough. Obsessed with the idea that a shadowy crime boss may be pulling the strings that have cost good people their lives, Tubby is entering into a test of courage with the most violent men in New Orleans. And if that weren’t dangerous enough, he’s just picked up the worst ally he could ever find: a beautiful prostitute gunning for revenge.

A funny-hard-boiled mystery with as many laughs as chills.

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Graverobber Roses (The Graverobber Blues Series)
by A.M. Kelly
Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy

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In 1878, a necromage disguised as a man runs away to make a name for herself in academia, despite a fierce rival and an alluring lady love interest.

When Wilhemina Ashton realizes that her father has no intention of allowing her to study for a degree in necromancy, she disguises herself as a man and runs off to make a name for herself. Luckily, the Medical and Magical College of Charleston is desperate for students after being all but destroyed during the Civil War and won’t look too closely at her forged papers. Ashton must now face a fierce new academic rival, the ruthless and well-connected Frenchman, Valois. Not to mention the distracting temptations of a certain nursing student southern belle Ashton just can’t seem to stay away from.

Ashton is determined to earn the respect of the academic community, no matter how many lies she has to tell, or hearts she has to break… or dead bodies she has to raise.

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PRIMAL Unleashed (A PRIMAL Action Thriller Book 2) (The PRIMAL Series)
by Jack Silkstone
4.5 Stars (1,497 Reviews)
Genre: Action & Adventure | Men’s Adventure

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The mission began, in 1989 Afghanistan, when a Russian platoon battled Afghan warriors–and raced to bury forever a devastating secret worth the greatest sacrifice. It could end apocalyptically, in the present, if a sinister evil escapes its sealed tomb… into the hands of one of the same men who fought to bury it.
Intel suggests that’s exactly what’s happening: A Ukrainian veteran of the ’89 Soviet-Afghan conflict, battle-scarred and cold-blooded, is now a wealthy businessman–with a sideline selling deadly hardware to the highest bidders. He’s getting ready to make his biggest deal yet with a radical Iranian commander hell-bent on possessing the ultimate doomsday weapon. Only the battle-tested skills, state-of-the-art tech, and no-rules-but-their-own attitude of covert vigilante strike force PRIMAL can keep bloodthirsty madmen from unleashing hell on earth.
PRIMAL deals unconditional justice–with cold steel–to a world in dire need of heroes.

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Rise to the Horizon
by Hyunah KIM
4.7 Stars (24 Reviews)
Genre: Contemporary Fiction

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Poseidon, a thoroughbred show jumping horse, is injured during a devastating fire at the horse ranch. Traumatized, the beautiful colt becomes trapped with his demons, and aggressively attacks anyone who approaches. After Poseidon hurts several people, the vet suggests that the horse be euthanised.

Axel, a painter who grew up with horses all his life on his grandparents’ stud farm, has a unique ability to communicate with horses. In his neighborhood he’s known as a horse whisperer. After a desperate plea from Poseidon’s owner Martha to help the wretched horse, Axel agrees to cure him, regardless of the vet’s deadly warning. Can Axel help Poseidon get back to normal?

A heartwarming story for all animal lovers about a magical bond between a horse and a man, and how their encounter changes their lives for good.

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Gemini’s Crossing: A Fantasy LitRPG GameLit Adventure (Enora Online Book 1)
by Arlo Adams
4.5 Stars (1,749 Reviews)
Genre: Fantasy | Humor & Entertainment | GameLit & LitRPG

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Gemini crossed the rubicon hoping to cheat death only to discover the hell his new life has become…

Gemini Fowler’s nightmares just became real.

A death sentence. An auto-immune disorder that will end his life when it has only just begun.

But hope comes in the form of mysterious tech billionaire, Nokuro Takemoto, who’s offering Gemini a new life, the chance to cheat death… to live on in a virtual world called Enora.

But the AI operating Enora has an agenda of its own, and Gemini Fowler will soon learn he’s just a pawn in Nokuro Takemoto’s chess game against the sentient being that has taken over his game world.

Welcome to Enora Online, where a rogue AI is God, and the world it has created is a virtual horror.

Gemini’s Crossing begins a classic, complete 11-book LitRPG series where stats serve a purpose, story is king, and the characters jump off the page. Start your journey in Enora Online today!

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The Industrial Revolution: A History From Beginning to End
by Hourly History
4.4 Stars (478 Reviews)
Genre: Education & Teaching | Foreign Languages

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The Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution which took place in Great Britain between the middle of the eighteenth century and the middle of the nineteenth transformed British industry and society and made Great Britain the most powerful nation in the world.
The Industrial Revolution didn’t happen due to one, single factor but rather to a number of separate yet related developments which interacted to change the world profoundly and completely. Improvements in the production of iron allowed the construction of efficient, reliable steam engines. These steam engines were then used in the production of iron to improve the quality and quantity of iron production even further. Manufacturing became concentrated in factories filled with automated machinery while canals and improved roads allowed raw materials to be brought to these factories and for finished products to be distributed.

Inside you will read about…

Transport and the Rise of Global Trade
The Iron Heart of the Industrial Revolution
The Power of Steam
The Lives of Workers during the Industrial Revolution
The Rise of Labor Movements
And much more!

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