I have been feeding the crows for the last two weeks or so trying to make friends with them. So far my experiment has not been too exciting. Most mornings I don’t even see them, but they eat the almonds I put out. No presents have been left either. This is right about the time when I get discouraged with whatever experiment I am doing and then something great happens. Crossing my fingers!

A Grave Christmas (A DI Erica Swift Thriller)
by M K Farrar
4.6 Stars (467 Reviews)
Genre: Mystery | Thrillers

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It’s a few days before Christmas.
Snow is coming, the lights are lit.
And a madman is stalking Central London…

He’s strangling his victims.
Stringing them up like Christmas decorations.

Decorations are the last thing on DI Erica Swift’s mind. She doesn’t like Christmas or the unnecessary pressures that come with it.
Plus this year she won’t even have her daughter home…

Except she won’t be alone. She’ll be with her team. On the trail of a killer.
A killer who’s murdered a Christmas shopper out celebrating the festive season.
A killer who’s been caught on camera.
But who’s clever enough to keep his – or her – face hidden.

It’s going to be A Grave Christmas for Erica.
Even the twinkling of fairy lights can’t keep the dark nights at bay.
And then it gets darker…
A second body is discovered.
And if Erica doesn’t act fast there’s going to be a third. And a fourth…
Someone out there really doesn’t like Christmas.


Get this standalone Christmas special of the DI Erica Swift series today!

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Gold Within the Storm (The Nine Curses of Queen Mab Book 1)
by Cleo Cassidy
4.4 Stars (15 Reviews)
Genre: Teen & Young Adult

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The Cruel Prince meets A Court of Thorns and Roses in this epic fantasy full of thrilling adventures, terrible magic, and the bleakest of secrets.

Soon see here great sorrow mine, when you pay with curses nine.

True. Second-born princess Astra would have been willing to pay any price to never discover the Fairy Queen’s curses.

But she made a foolish mistake and interrupted the spell her older sister Cora was casting, oblivious to the peril she was exposing them to.

Now, her sister remains trapped in the endless sleep, leaving Astra desperate and guilt-ridden. She yearns for things to return to normal.

Deep down, Astra knows that’s not possible. And that many more changes will occur by the time she stumbles upon a cure.

Her search leads to Thorne — the most arrogant Fae she has ever met. To save her sister’s life, she strikes a deal with him and steps into the den of vipers that is Fairy.

But nothing seems real in Fairy, not even Thorne, the Fae she gradually begins to trust. He is harboring secrets, and by the time Astra finds the truth, she may find herself irrevocably stuck in Fairy.

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Targets of Treachery (Lord Edward’s Archer series Book 4)
by Griff Hosker
4.5 Stars (3,788 Reviews)
Genre: Action & Adventure | War

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The next book in the bestselling series, Lord Edward’s Archer.

Captain Gerald has proven himself an unrivalled archer, but now he is married, he longs to enjoy life’s simpler pursuits, raising a family and tending his land.

But life on the borderlands brings complications, and King Edward has different ideas for Gerald. Prince Llywelyn of Wales will not toe the line, and once more, Gerald is chosen as royal envoy. He must cross the treacherous Welsh Marches to make strategic allegiances and request Llywelyn bend the knee to the English crown.

When those allegiances fail to protect England from Welsh rebellion, King Edward abandons diplomacy and seizes Welsh land to erect and capture castles, imbuing the landscape with intimidation.

As Gerald assists in this military tug-of-war, his thoughts are back home with his family, where personal vendettas threaten his own fortifications. Can he help wrest power back into English hands before the Welsh mob descends on all he holds dear?

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The Ghost’s Revenge (Red Dragon YA Fantasy Series Book 1)
by Ian McFarlane
4.3 Stars (54 Reviews)
Genre: Teen & Young Adult

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When shapeshifter Toby looked into the Spider Diary, the magical book gave him a choice: he chose the good side, the red dragon army, but Toby has been cursed by the dark forces – darkness chose him long before he was born.

Wizards are filled with evil magical powers and dark deeds, whereas druids are kind and use magic to benefit all.

Toby believes he is a druid, but his grandfather, the darkest of all wizards, holds the only surviving copy of Merlin’s prophecy; it states that before he reaches his fifteenth birthday, Toby will lead the evil dark army and destroy everything. It’s a cruel destiny for someone so young, for someone who believes he will fight for the great red dragon.

To thwart Merlin’s doom-filled prophecy, Toby must go on a perilous quest and trust in a foolish fantasy warrior, and a strong witch heroine who carries the dark secrets of the legendary witch Morgana very close to her heart.

It seems that Toby’s fate is sealed, and victory for the dark side is assured, unless he can unravel the mystery of The Ghost’s Revenge.

Discover Toby’s fate in the first book of the Red Dragon fantasy series, The Ghost’s Revenge, a modern day YA fantasy series for teens and young adults with dragon hearts, and adults with the ageless wisdom of Merlin or Morgana.

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Snow at Shetland Lodge
by April Showers Publishing, Tamsin Bracknell
4.1 Stars (583 Reviews)
Genre: Romance

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“I was wrong about you, Kieran,” I murmured.
His eyes opened fully, his face a picture of surprise. For a moment, I thought he was going to say something sarcastic, his lips parting with a smirk, but then he pursed them and sighed.
“I was wrong about you, too, Fern.”

After Fern catches her boyfriend in bed with her best friend, she heads on their couples’ retreat to the Shetland Isles alone. There, she intends to spend New Year’s Eve in their luxury cabin, with champagne, chocolates and creature comforts on demand.

After a long flight from London to Scotland she’s cold, heartbroken and surrounded by loved up couples. Every activity seems to be designed for two, and she’s quickly drained by the cutesy couples and the overly cheery staff.

When a dangerous snowstorm comes in, Fern finds herself caring for a tiny Shetland foal with the handsome but grouchy groundskeeper who seems to prefer animals to people. Fans of Marian Keyes, Hannah Ellis and Emily Bell will love this cosy, warm new adult romance.

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The Land Army Girls Are Here: A WW2 novel with a twist of comedy
by Kay Snow
4.3 Stars (224 Reviews)
Genre: Humor & Satire | Historical Fiction

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A WW2 novel with a twist of comedy.

Feisty eighteen year old Yorkshire girl April Thornton has decided to join the Women’s Land Army. Feeling proud and elated, but against her parents’ wishes, she leaves home in search of pastures new to work on the land, doing her bit for King and Country during WW2 in 1944.

For outspoken and vivacious April, nothing less than a drama or two is classed as a boring and uneventful day, so…

Fields ploughed, harvests reaped and livestock tended – check. Dashed hopes, disasters and disappointments – check. Sex mad G.I’s, abusive farmers and bullies dealt with – check. Fun, hysterics and uproar had – an almighty check!

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At the Scent of the Crime: A Candle Shop Cozy Mystery (Wicked Wick Mysteries #1)
by Melrose McFadden
4.3 Stars (175 Reviews)
Genre: Mystery

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A duo of amateur sleuths must follow their noses to solve a murder in the first installment of this small-town cozy mystery series.

Childhood friends Leigh Hill and Paloma Finch left their high-pressure, big-city jobs to pursue a quieter life running the Wicked Wick candle shop in the small town of Fall Haven. Rumors about a giant chain warehouse store moving to town have the mom-and-pop business owners on edge, but the community is stringing up lights, baking pies, and setting up booths in the town square to sell their wares at the annual Winter Festival. When a prominent local businessperson winds up dead in the middle of the festival grounds, Leigh and Paloma realize their little hamlet isn’t as quiet and innocent as they had hoped. Plenty of people have a lot to lose if the megastore comes to town, but are any of them angry enough to kill? The women of Wicked Wick must sniff around for clues and solve the crime before their business — or their lives — are snuffed out.

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