“Flowers From Berlin” is the first book in Noel Hynd’s spectacular ‘Flowers From Berlin’ series. This is where you start FREE in a continuing saga of breath taking heart pounding espionage and romance that encompass the years 1938 till 1963. “A chiller!” LA Times. “A Super Spy Novel!” -Savannah News Presse. “Hynd is a notch above the Ludlums and the Clancy’s – Booklist. Further titles in the series include “Return to Berlin,” “Judgment in Berlin,” and “Betrayal in Berlin.” “Revolt in Berlin, Part One,” will be published in December of 2023. “Noel Hynd knows the ins and outs of Washington’s agencies, both public and private.” – Publisher’s Weekly.

Flowers From Berlin
by Noel Hynd, Patricia A. E. White
4.4 Stars (3,223 Reviews)
Genre: Political

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This 1985 espionage thriller follows FBI agent William Cochran’s efforts to stop a Nazi spy from assassinating FDR. Toss in a love affair with a British Secret Service operative and you have the makings of a pause-resister.

It is 1939. Roosevelt is winding down his second term in the White House. The Nazis have taken Austria, and Stalin’s Red Army is systematically eliminating the Kremlin’s enemies. Europe is going to hell in a handbasket. With isolationist sentiment running high in America, and the president’s popularity at an all-time low, Hitler seizes the moment and dispatches his secret weapon: An agent named “Siegfried” who conceals himself behind the mask of middle-class America. A chameleon who can change identities and personalities at will. A cold-blooded killer who will win the war for Germany. A banker, linguist, and demolitions expert who has successfully infiltrated German intelligence, FBI Special Agent Thomas Cochrane is handpicked by Roosevelt for an impossible mission: to find Hitler’s spy before he carries out a plan that will remove the president from office at a critical moment in the century’s history. As Cochrane, with the help of British Intelligence agent Laura Worthington, circles closer to his elusive quarry, a spy with supporters in the highest levels of U.S. government readies the world stage for a final act of annihilation that will alter the tide of war – and the future of the free world – in unthinkable ways.

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by Noel Hynd, Patricia A.E. White
4.2 Stars (772 Reviews)

US Air Force Lt. Richard Silva’s hell on earth begins in the fall of 1970 when his plane is shot down over North Vietnam. Silva is captured and taken to a POW camp where he is turned over to a shadowy interrogator who specializes in the systematic torture of American prisoners. Miraculously, Silva survives and returns to the US.

He finds an America that is profoundly different from the country he left. But America isn’t the only thing that has changed. Silva’s mind has been horribly altered. For him there is only one way out: Find the man who tortured him. Find him and kill him. With only a few clues to his enemy’s true identity, Silva embarks on a manhunt.

Silva quickly penetrates a shadowy underworld of politicians, criminals and intelligence agents in New York, Washington andultimately in Paris. In France, he further burrows into a nether world of professional killers, political extremists, cops and assassins. Along the way, he finds romance with a beautiful young artist and rediscovers his own humanity, all the while drawing closer to the man he must murder in order to redeem his own soul.

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The Sandler Inquiry
by Noel Hynd, Juris Jurjevics, Patricia A. E. White
4.2 Stars (797 Reviews)
Genre: Political | Suspense

A deadly and elusive man. A young woman seeking justice and retribution. A thirty-year-old secret from World War Two. A latter day showdown among British, American, and Soviet intelligence services.

Who was Karl Sandler? Wartime patriot? Or a ruthless and amoral monster who put his vast financial machine behind the highest bidder? Leslie McAdam calls him by another name: her father.

Based on a shocking and shameful episode in history that threatened to alter the course of the world’s economic future, The Sandler Inquiry tells a gripping and unforgettable story of espionage and intrigue, loyalty and love, set in the sprawling ragged violence-prone New York City of the 1970’s.

Determined to claim her rightful inheritance — and to uncover the shrouded past of the man she knew as her father — Leslie has come to Thomas Daniels, a New York attorney haunted by his own bloodstained family history. Yet not even Daniels can imagine what lies beneath decades-old secrets when he launches an inquiry into his client’s murky past. As he moves through the twisting labyrinth of the world’s intelligence community, he uncovers a monstrous link between the man who called himself Karl Sandler and a conspiracy reaching to the highest levels of government… in three countries. From America to Europe to Soviet Russia, he pursues a cold trail that is suddenly red-hot, as the violence of the past lives again and Daniels is stalked by a deadly adversary who must keep the truth buried at all costs.

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by Noel Hynd, George George Kaczender, Juris Jurjevics
4.3 Stars (355 Reviews)
Genre: Political | Thrillers

A tough hard spy story, tough, hard-hitting, based on cold war history, actual events and real spies. A gritty in-your-face espionage thriller…

From the author of FLOWERS FROM BERLIN, CONSPIRACY IN KIEV and two dozen other best selling thrillers, comes a newly revised ‘endgame’ spy story, based on the events of 1983 that were all too real.

It is 1983, the freezing point of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union. Behind the headlines, unknown to most private citizens, the two super powers bumble toward nuclear confrontation… and in the back streets and back alleys of world capitals, spies and recalled spies fight for a part of a missile guidance system that could tip the balance during nuclear confrontation. And at the center is a woman with a terrible secret.

Noel Hynd takes you on a journey into the world of espionage in both the 1960’s and 1980s. Based on fascinating real life detail, some of it autobiographical, the story teams with real life characters from Andropov to Profumo and spawls across CIA stations in London and Paris as well as Parisian night spots and journalistic/spy haunts such as Harry’s New York Bar in Paris. The times were deadly, but riveting, the mood intoxicating but frightening.

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The Enemy Within – A novel of the U.S. Secret Service
by Noel Hynd, Patrick LoBrutto
4.2 Stars (982 Reviews)
Genre: Literature & Fiction

It is early summer of 2009, an uneasy time in the American capital. Washington is tense over a showdown between the United States and the new ruler of Libya.

Laura Chapman is a U.S. Secret Service agent assigned to the White House. She is quirky, solitary, and frequently unorthodox. She is sexy and fit, adept with a pistol as well as with a hundred-pound Everlast bag. But she is also a brilliant intelligence analyst. That’s why she has been assigned to the Presidential Protection Detail for the past eleven years.

The CIA assigns Laura to a case that borders on the unthinkable: an assassination plot against the new president. Shockingly, the trigger man will be a member of the United States Secret Service.

Since the CIA knows that the assassin is male, Laura is not a suspect. The odds are heavily against her locating an alleged assassin within the Service, and even more heavily against her surviving the assignment.

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