The Eternal Dominion book series will take you to a world of fantasy where virtual reality provides an amazing adventure! You have to meet Alex (Xeal), as he traverse his second shot at his teenage life, and his journey throughout the Eternal Dominion VR game! You can join Alex and his adventures by getting a copy of this amazingly addicting series- not to mention that the book series is on sale and you can get 20 books for $20! Now, isn’t that exciting?

Eternal Dominion Book 1: Restart
by Bern Dean
4.5 Stars (2,497 Reviews)
Genre: Literature & Fiction | Science Fiction

Year 2286 Alex Bell has put in 20 years of work in the VR game Eternal Dominion a full dive fantasy VRMMO game that accounts for around 20% of the world’s economy. He had risen to the top as a vice guild leader and thanks to his work his guild was steps away from truly standing with the other top guilds. Only fate decided to rip it all away at the last moment. After his fall Alex awakens to see his 18 year old self looking back at him in the mirror. It’s 2266 and Eternal Dominion is set to launch in a matter of hours, this time things will be different. This time he will succeed in life and make sure his friends and family are along for the ride even if he has to drag them along to do so.

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Eternal Dominion Book 2: Traction
by Bern Dean
4.5 Stars (1,941 Reviews)
Genre: Literature & Fiction | Science Fiction

Xeal and friends continue their journey to the top of Eternal Dominion. However, as Xeal searches out potential leaders for his guild and bolsters its ranks others are moving as well. Will he and his guild weather the storm or will they lose their footing and be stopped before they can even really begin.

Yes I begin to introduce romantic complications in this book, yes Alex’s/Xeal’s relations will become more complex and integral to the plot of this series as it goes on. No I will not be writing any smut scenes, I will setup things and skip all the details, my 73 year old mother reads these and yeah enough said. I hope you all understand that for Alex/Xeal having a meaningful relationship was something that escaped him in his first life and this time around he is going to try to make it work sometimes a bit to hard.

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Eternal Dominion Book 3: Concessions
by Bern Dean
4.4 Stars (1,855 Reviews)
Genre: Science Fiction | Fantasy

After overcoming the assault in Eternal Dominion by Abysses End’s members Alex/Xeal and his friend have shown that they can stand firm. Now they must navigate Abysses End’s advances in reality without isolating themselves from the entirety of the VR gamming workshop community. While the nobles of Nium have begun to take a vested interest in Alex’s/Xeal’s progress. Will Alex/Xeal and his friends be able to navigate these diplomatic situations or will they find themselves dancing to the tune of others.

As a fair warning this book contains a harem element and will establish what I consider its core four. For any worried about it moving forward this book will be by far the heaviest in that aspect and the following books will still progress the subplot, but have far less of it overall.
Two major things to be clear about:

One, I do not write smut scenes, you will know it happens but details are left almost completely out of the book.

Two, each and every woman who will be added to the story has a purpose for the long term of the story, even if it is not clear right away and not all that appear to be joining the harem will be.

Thank you all for giving Eternal Dominion a chance even if you didn’t like it, as a new author it really mean a lot to see so many giving me a chance.

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Eternal Dominion book 4: Assertions
by Bern Dean
4.5 Stars (1,362 Reviews)
Genre: Literature & Fiction | Science Fiction

Alex/Xeal tried to let things come to him and in doing so things escalated quickly almost ending in disaster for him. Now it’s time for him to make his Will known and assert himself on those who wish to assert themselves on him. As forces from both reality and Eternal Dominion try to manipulate Alex/Xeal for their own designs, will he succeed or will he find himself overwhelmed and bogged down by the plans of others?

Make sure friends and family stay together: Check

Get first guild bonus: Check

Establish a stable revenue stream: Check

Secure future leaders for his guild: Check

Spread the fame of his guild: Check

Become A knight of Nium: Check

Become a true noble of Nium:

Maintain his freedom in and out of ED:

Develop members of FAE into elite players:

Book 4 of Eternal Dominion completes the setup of the story with far more adventure and quests as FAE sets off on the guild’s first expedition and much more. This is where Alex/Xeal truly begins his adventure as he works to complete the final items on his start up check list.

A fair warning, this story contains a harem element, and will see our MC deal with the advances of several women both in and out of game. Some will be more successful than others. Some will piss the reader off while other will make them smile (at least I hope). Currently the harem stands at 4 entering this book and until Alex/Xeal says “I love you” to them assume anything can happen! I hope you enjoy my story and even if you don’t, thank you for at least giving it a chance to develop.

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Eternal Dominion book 5: Interference
by Bern Dean
4.5 Stars (1,297 Reviews)
Genre: Literature & Fiction | Science Fiction

Abysses End has left for the time being, but they left behind a parting gift of sorts. Meanwhile in Eternal Dominion the major workshops are stirring up trouble for FAE to waylay their progress. All while Alex/Xeal tries to advance himself and his guild further in both reality and the virtual world once more. Will FAE succeed in fending off the latest moves from the major players, and what other surprises does life have instore for Alex/Xeal.

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