There are a few life size Santa sleighs for sale close by and for some reason I am very tempted to buy one. Why? Well, because they are super cool and they would look great as a Christmas decoration in my front yard. Thing is I already did that a few years ago. A wonderful man gave me one he made out of plywood and 2×4’s. I freshened up the paint, added a few decorations, and made a whole winter scene in my front yard. We even took family pictures! Problem is, after the holiday season was over, I had no place to store it so I had to give it away. So why am I even entertaining the though of another sleigh? Because I LOVE holiday decorations and I can never go simple and small. I need to exercise some self control. I can do this! But if I were to get one? Wood or metal?

Sealfinger (Sam Applewhite Book 1)
by Heide Goody, Iain Grant
4.3 Stars (698 Reviews)
Genre: Mystery | Crime Fiction

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Meet Sam Applewhite, security consultant for DefCon4’s east coast office. .

She’s clever, inventive and adaptable. In her job she has to be.

Now, she’s facing an impossible mystery.

A client has gone missing and no one else seems to care.

Who would want to kill an old and lonely woman whose only sins are having a sharp tongue and a belief in ghosts? Could her death be linked to the new building project out on the dunes?

Can Sam find out the truth, even if it puts her friends’ and family’s lives at risk?

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Six-Month Horse (Island Series)
by Tudor Robins
4.5 Stars (137 Reviews)
Genre: Sports & Outdoors | Children’s eBooks

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The perfect horse. A wild brother. One unforgettable Thanksgiving adventure!

Meg’s dream? Her very own horse. When her mom hunts out the “perfect” horse near their family cottage, Meg finds herself on a sibling road trip with her unpredictable brother, Cam. But instead of falling for the polished horse, Meg’s heart is set on another: greener, scruffier, and unproven.

Now, with Cam by her side, she’s in for a whirlwind of negotiations, hilarious Thanksgiving mix-ups, and heartfelt family realizations. Dive into this delightful tale where sometimes the imperfect choice is the most perfect of all.

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The Chains of Freedom (Starhawke Rising Book 2)
by Audrey Sharpe
4.5 Stars (427 Reviews)
Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy

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Not all cages have bars.
For Captain Aurora Hawke, becoming the de facto leader of an entire race wasn’t part of her plan. Neither was lying to the Galactic Council. Or hiding three hundred refugees on a forbidden planet. But she’s not about to back down.

Sworn to secrecy, she must use every resource at her disposal to keep one step ahead of a vengeful enemy. She just never expected the threat to become personal…

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Discovering Gold (Romancing the Californian Cowboys Book 1)
by S M Spencer
4.5 Stars (228 Reviews)
Genre: Contemporary Fiction | Romance

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A woman scarred by injuries that will never heal… a man who’s not planning to have his heart broken twice… and an old mining town that brings them together.

When washed-up Australian tennis player Alex Mason unexpectedly inherits half of an old mining town in California, her dream of becoming a children’s tennis coach comes within reach. However, when she travels to California to visit the town, she begins to think there may be more to it than the dollar value of its real estate.

There are two types of people Travis Gold has learned to mistrust; athletes, like his cheating ex-wife, and Masons, the family who started a feud by taking his family’s saloon in a drunken poker game. Exhausted by his past, he’s ready to move on — until Alex Mason’s arrival in town opens every old wound.

Sparks fly when the descendants of the town’s founders meet, but at first it’s for all the wrong reasons. Can they both stop letting the past define them in time to discover the real gold in the old mining town?

Author Biography:

At the age of five S M Spencer’s life changed when she was plonked onto a black & white pony for a photograph. From that day on all she wanted was a horse. She spent the next eleven years writing stories about the horses she pretended to ride through the rolling hills of coastal California until she got a job and bought her first horse at the age of sixteen.

In the 1980s her life changed again when her employer offered her a role in Australia. This was the beginning of an adventure of which she has never tired.

Still living in Australia she now writes from the semi-rural home she shares with her husband, horses, cats and dogs — not to mention the kangaroos that share the paddocks with the horses from time to time.

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My Dead World
by Jacqueline Druga
4.4 Stars (3,355 Reviews)
Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy

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Since childhood, Nila Carter was made to spend every weekend at the family cabin. In her teenage years she believed it to be a prison. As an adult it became her sanctuary and means to survive.

When a mysterious outbreak occurs in India, Nila’s brother, Bobby, a virologist with the CDC, places the family on a precautionary alert to be ready to bug out. Unlike anything he’s ever seen, the rabies-like virus is not only deadly but causes extreme violent behavior in anyone who becomes infected. Following her brother’s advice, Nila begins to stockpile.

After months of preparing, just as it seems the virus is over, everything implodes and Bobby informs them to leave the city. With her family, Nila heads to the mountains and to her father’s isolated cabin. There she is eventually joined by friends and strangers, all hoping to safely stay clear of the virus that grips the world.

While there, the group forms a tight bond, feeling secure that they will beat the extinction event and in due course return home. As time moves on, Nila quickly learns there are things they cannot run from.

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The Secret to Finding your God-given Wife: A Biblical Approach to Marriage
by A.J. Ripley
4.6 Stars (14 Reviews)
Genre: Religion & Spirituality

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“The secret to finding Your God-given Wife” is a guidebook to help young men in the careful and prayerful selection process of discovering the wife whom the Lord has chosen for them. The bible clearly defines and spells out the role if the husband in the family, as well as the role of the man in establishing his family. The book ushers the young man through the processes of dating and selection. What are the most important features to look for in a wife? Which character qualities will have the most impact on your future marriage? Finding your God-given wife is one of the biggest decisions you will ever make, and one of the biggest adventures you will ever go on. Following the biblical principles outlined in this book will help you to search carefully, discern wisely and choose successfully. The book answers many questions. What is a husband? Why is it not good for the man to be alone? Why is a wife good to have? How do you date biblically? What is the place of your wife’s beauty and character? How do you know if she is the one?

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Remain Silent
by PEANUT G, Brandon Dvorak
4.9 Stars (24 Reviews)
Genre: Urban | Action & Adventure

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Remain Silent is a fictional story based on true events, reimagining the struggles of the street life in every hood in America. A riveting tale of love, hate, deceit, honor, passion, courage, loyalty, betrayal, treachery — it’s all here.
After being released from prison for a crime that he didn’t commit, Poet finds himself in the slums of Liberty City, living brick to brick, carving his niche as a street hustler and the driving force of La Familia.

One day he’s presented with an opportunity to seize the streets of Miami and wrest control from Goon and his gang of Young Sinners.

As La Familia flourishes, loyalties are questioned and betrayal lurks around every corner, leading Poet on a remarkable journey through the treacheries and deceit of the street life.

Juggling his love for the game, his loyalty to La Familia, and the uncharted territories of a budding relationship, Poet must navigate his way through a sea of Miami’s ratchetness. When the pressure’s on, only one question arises: Who will Remain Silent?

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