You know how people always say, “If I could go back in time I would tell my younger self…bla bla bla”? Well oddly enough, I have that luck every Wednesday when I go the Goodwill looking for treasures. I go there often enough that I have gotten to know a few of the people who work there. There is a young lady, mid twenties, that reminds me so much of me when I was her age. It eerie how much she is like me. Often in conversation she tells me about the same fears or struggles that I went through at her age. I try not to push my advice on her too much, but I really hope she hears me. I look back often now and really wish I wasn’t so hard on myself. Hmmph… maybe I will try to be less hard on myself now. There is a thought. Yaaa… I won’t.

Mash Up (Detective Qigiq Book 1)
by Joe Klingler
4.1 Stars (713 Reviews)
Genre: Thrillers | Mystery

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Kandy “Action” Dreeson of SFPD homicide gets a quirky partner when Qigiq moves south from Alaska to immerse himself in all things digital, keenly aware that even a 30-something detective is soon obsolete in the rampant world of hi-tech crime.

When a musician arrives at the police station holding a brown box and screaming about her missing roommate, the detectives are sucked into a torrent of cyber-clues from Amazon shipping policy to Zoom meetings. While dodging threats to their lives with each deciphered bit, they grow closer to dangerous forces that trade money for murder and secrecy for seduction.

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The Chaos Job (Jackpot Drift Book 1)
by T.M. Baumgartner
4.4 Stars (51 Reviews)
Genre: Science Fiction | Action & Adventure

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How do you hide a chaos god on a partially terraformed world? Sil stays on her hilltop farm, the payout from 20 years fighting the border wars.

But the farm’s damaged AI herds sheep into symbols visible from orbit. Not knowing how to channel the chaos elsewhere, Sil enlists the help of a former enemy soldier.

Sparks fly when chaos and luck collide.

Ride along on this extraordinary space western full of gods, AIs, nanobots, and hope.

Welcome to Jackpot Drift!

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Forlorn Hope: A witty traditional Regency romance (The Branwell Chronicles Book 3)
by Judith Hale Everett
4.1 Stars (101 Reviews)
Genre: Literature & Fiction

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His blindness might have cost him her love, but he will spend the rest of his days fighting for her happiness.

Captain Geoffrey Mantell has tried to be the friend Miss Emily Chandry never had, but it is a long time before he realizes she is much more to him than a mere friend. By the time he tries to profess his love he is too late — Emily has married out of desperation, and to a grasping, greedy businessman.

Seeing her unhappiness, Geoffrey is determined not to fail her again, and when a mystery emerges that seems to indicate a way out of her impossible situation, he does all he can to assist her. But proximity with Emily is dangerous, and though Geoffrey is determined to take the honorable road, his actions cause trouble, and it is up to Emily’s quickness and resilience to find the solution.

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Death by Dark Roast: An English Cozy Mystery (The Charleton House Mysteries Book 1)
by Kate P Adams
4.3 Stars (1,038 Reviews)
Genre: Mystery | Literature & Fiction

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The annual Charleton House Food Festival is about to begin. But the first item on the menu is murder…

Nestled in the idyllic setting of Derbyshire’s rolling hills, the ancestral home of the Fitzwilliam-Scott family seems an unlikely location for murder. But when a young man is killed recent thefts from local stately homes are put in the shade, and caffeine-loving café manager Sophie Lockwood finds her interest piqued by a pair of unusual cases.

Who would want to murder a gentle giant of a man? And why would a thief, with an endless treasure trove to choose from, make off with an antique from Charleton House that only has sentimental value?

Enlisting the help of her charismatic and eccentric colleagues, including quick-witted tour guide Mark, Sophie sets off to extract inside information from Detective Constable Joe Greene in return for a generous supply of chocolate croissants. But just as Sophie finds her suspicions falling on a likely suspect, a trail of coffee beans leads to a shocking revelation that turns her caffeine-fuelled investigation on its head.

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A Town of Lawlessness: A Historical Western Adventure Book
by Ethan Westfield
4.4 Stars (458 Reviews)
Genre: Literature & Fiction

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Jack Mallory had always been dreaming of striking it rich in the gold fields of Wyoming. When he is finally ready to turn a new page in life, he shoots for the moon and moves to the town of Moville to work in mining. Feeling like he is one step closer to his dream, little did he know that the life of a miner is more fraught with peril and disappointment than he’d imagined. The moment he discovers that a vicious killer is out there, taking the lives of innocent miners for no apparent reason, he is willing to risk it all to track him down. Will Jack manage to find the answer behind the enigma of the horrible murders? Or will the truth behind them remain forever hidden, haunting the small town?

While trying to connect all dots and solve the intriguing mystery, Jack meets Charlotte Campbell, the town’s head schoolteacher. Although they get off to a rocky start, he will soon realize that he’s not alone in the battle against the town’s enemies. Together they will fight the forces that wreak havoc in Moville, a lifetime adventure that will bring them closer. Even though their attraction is impossible to deny, their affection cannot be expressed as long as a criminal is out there. Will they finally have a chance at love, or will their romance be doomed to be lost forever?

As the days go by and the murderers continue to bring chaos to what was once a thriving town, Jack feels like his dream is being shattered into a million pieces. Will his valor and wit win out in the end, leading him to the life he has been eagerly waiting for? Or will the cruel felon stop him from riding down the trail to happiness?

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