My dogs think I am way more interesting than I really am. “Human mom? What AMAZING thing are you doing now?” “I’m making the bed”. “OH MY GOSH!!!!! WE MUST JOIN YOU AND JUMP AND RUN ALL OVER THE BED AND HELP YOU!!! Human mom? What are you doing with those food disks?” “Washing dishes.” “OH MY GOSH!!!!! WE MUST JOIN YOU AND STAND IN THE DISHWASHER AND LICK ALL THE FOOD DISKS” (me… heavy sigh). All chores take twice as long with fur babies. “OH MOM??? Is that fresh laundry from the dryer?????”

The Candidate’s Daughter: A Gripping Thriller (An Elizabeth McClaine Thriller Book 1)
by Catherine Lea
4.2 Stars (2,997 Reviews)
Genre: Mystery | Action & Adventure

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“Politics, greed, and money, in a thrilling book you will not want to put down.” – The Expert Reviewers Twenty-two-year-old car thief, Kelsey Money, has always been one of the boys. She can take down guys bigger than herself in the ring, strip a car down to a bucket of bolts, and drive better than anyone she knows. Kelsey’s solid, trustworthy, dependable.

But lately, something’s changed.

Ever since Matt’s drug-fueled brother, Lionel, came back on the scene, Kelsey feels like she’s become something else – dispensable.

So when she discovers Matt’s plan to kidnap the disabled daughter of a Senate candidate and that child will never go home alive, Kelsey goes against everything she’s ever believed in and makes the decision to save her. It’s a decision she knows she could regret.

Because when Matt discovers she’s betrayed him, she’ll be next to die.

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Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Brash Blonde (Marty Hudson Mysteries Book 1)
by Gemma Halliday, Kelly Rey
4.4 Stars (604 Reviews)
Genre: Mystery

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From #1 Amazon, New York Times & USA Today bestselling author Gemma Halliday comes a modern, female driven new take on the legend of Sherlock Holmes…

Martha “Marty” Hudson has it all… almost. While her best friend, Irene Adler, is a dot-com millionaire many times over, Marty’s days are filled with working as a barista at a Stanford University coffee bar, crashing various courses and lectures, and dodging the rent collector at her crummy apartment. But when Marty suddenly finds out that a long-lost aunt has left her a Victorian home at 221 Baker Street in the heart of San Francisco, she’s hopeful her luck is about to turn around! Okay, so the Victorian is run down and probably in need of more repairs than Marty could ever afford, but at least it’s a link to family. However when Marty starts sifting through the contents of the dilapidated home, she realizes her aunt’s death may not have been natural… and might have been a case of murder! Taking her suspicions to the grumpy Detective Lastrade and the uber-hot medical examiner, Dr. John Watson, only gets her a pair of doors slammed in her face. But Marty and Irene don’t give up that easily. Instead, they invent fictitious private investigator, Sherlock Holmes, to open those doors for them! Between Marty’s eclectic class-crashing knowledge and Irene’s tech know-how, “Sherlock Holmes” investigates an over-the-hill yoga teacher, mob shops in Chinatown, pot dispensaries in the East Bay, and a slew of suspicious characters. But when the killer returns — this time with Marty in sight! — even the great Holmes may not be able to save her… at least not without a little help from the girls.

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Cul-De-Sac (Behind the Wall Book 1)
by P.S. Power
4.5 Stars (291 Reviews)
Genre: Science Fiction

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Discover a world beyond what you can imagine in P.S. Power’s thrilling new adventure. Jacob Hines is thrust into a mysterious and strange walled community where secrets are kept and dangers lurk around every corner. Accused of the murder of his parents, Jake is taken in by his grandparents, or so it seems. With a mysterious power living inside of him, Jake must fight to protect the secrets of the world and his own mind. Will he be able to escape this impossible world before it’s too late?

If you enjoyed Ready Player One by Ernest Cline, then you’ll love P.S. Power’s new novel. Buy now before the price changes and experience the power of this thrilling adventure!

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New Beginnings on Whisling Island
by Julia Clemens
4.4 Stars (2,493 Reviews)
Genre: Women’s Fiction | Contemporary Fiction

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After darkness, there will always be light. A new beginning.

Gen is more than ready to step up to her new role as Maddie’s mother. The way that Maddie became Gen’s daughter doesn’t matter, just that she is. But just as Gen is wrapping her mind around her new role and embracing all things girly and pink, Gen gets a delicious surprise. However, as wonderful as this surprise is, can their brand new family handle any more change?

Rich’s betrayal tore Deb apart, but Deb now feels stronger because of what she endured — not that she’d ever thank Rich for the hell he put her through. Now a newer, stronger Deb is ready to jump back into the world of dating in the same way as any twenty-first century woman: online. As her best friend, Bess feels cautious about Deb’s decision. But when Deb sees the handsome picture of the first man the site has ready for her, there’s no talking Deb out of it. She is going to date… and she’s going to date that guy.

Olivia is growing and moving on… literally. She moves from her parents’ home to rent the backyard cottage of none other than Dean Haskell — the saint of a man who has saved Olivia more than once. And although she senses her feelings of attraction growing for the man and thinks he might possibly feel the same way about her, Olivia knows the baggage she carries is still too fresh and heavy for anyone to deal with. Especially a man who deserves the world, like Dean. So against every female cell in Olivia’s body, she decides that she and Dean will just be friends.

Bess feels like her world has finally been righted. Her food truck is thriving, her children are moving forward, and her friends are doing well. After months of trying to decide what was best for her family, and especially for herself, Bess pulled the trigger on divorcing Jon. And although she will always have love in her heart for the man who was by her side for thirty years, the betrayal she experienced was too much to just let him walk back into her life. But when another man — ten years Bess’s junior, charming, good-looking, and extremely into Bess — falls into her lap, Bess isn’t sure what to do. Dating a new man feels wrong, but then so does going back to Jon.

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Star-crossed Witch (Miss Matched Midlife Dating Agency Book 1)
by Deanna Chase
4.4 Stars (1,670 Reviews)
Genre: Women’s Fiction | Romance

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A Paranormal Women’s Fiction Novel.

Welcome to Miss Matched Midlife Dating Agency, where Marion Matched is ready to help you find your soul mate.

When it comes to dating, Marion Matched has seen it all. She’s the witch people call when they’re fed up with unsolicited d*ck pics on their dating apps, being ghosted, or asked to do questionable things with their date’s feet. She has the unique ability to just know when two people are perfect for each other. There’s only ever been one person she hasn’t been able to match — herself. And that’s fine with her. She’s never wanted to settle down anyway. Or at least that’s what she tells herself when she runs into her recently divorced high school sweetheart in her new town of Premonition Pointe.

Marion doesn’t have time to worry about her own dating life, anyway. She has a new business to set up, a reputation to prove, and an annoying ghost to shake. But when Marion hires a social media influencer to document her dating experiences with the agency, a vicious curse turns every date into a nightmare. Sabotaged and in danger of losing her new business, Marion will need the help of her newly acquired ghost, the Premonition Pointe coven, and the man who keeps asking her out to save her dating agency… and just maybe make a love connection she never thought she’d find.

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