19+ school closures in our county due to floods, down trees, and power outages. But not my baby bassets school. OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!! Man, when I was growing up the best news in the world was hearing your school was closed. It might have even been a better feeling than Christmas morning. The worst news in the whole wide world was everyone else is closed but you. My poor babies!

Hollow Girl (The Girl Who Would Be Sheriff Book 1)
by Alan Lee
4.6 Stars (972 Reviews)
Genre: Mystery

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A former cosmetic lobbyist,
now a rookie patrol officer,
she’s the newest fixation
of a lurking serial killer.

At thirty-years-old, Officer Stackhouse is the oldest in her Police academy’s graduating class and hellbent on reaching the FBI before the cut-off age. Her first step — patrol. She responds to a call in Creepy Hollow, where a teenager has run away, a commonplace incident.

But there’s nothing commonplace about what Stackhouse finds when she begins digging.

A serial killer is at work and has been for years, undetected until now. Even faced with the evidence, Stackhouse’s supervisors are reluctant to believe. The case soon becomes personal, however, when the killer’s attention shifts to her. If Stackhouse wants to survive her first year, she’ll have to prove there’s nothing soft about a girl with a badge…

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The Last Orphan (The Last Orphan Books Book 1)
by Jeffrey Lowder
4.3 Stars (3,087 Reviews)
Genre: Nonfiction

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2020 Winner New York City Big Book award 2020 Distinguished Favorite-Western Fiction by Independent Press Awards.

Utah Territory – August 12, 1859. Two years after his mother and father were murdered in an attack on their California-bound wagon train, little Tommy Dunning crouches in an old root cellar, quivering with cold — and raw fear. Somewhere just above him, men are searching, army men who want to take him away from the only home he remembers. Local settler Eva Dunning believes with every thread of her being that God delivered the orphan to be raised by her. She watches and prays the soldiers will not find the child. But forces beyond her control are closing in. Major James Carleton has orders to collect the boy, Eva’s husband Bennet is threatening to expose their secret, and back in Arkansas, the aging Ruby Seddon is hiring a ruthless gunslinger to help rescue her grandson, no matter the cost in blood or gold.

The Last Orphan is the journey of a precocious five-year old and two strong women, each of whom believes God has chosen her to raise the boy in love and the “correct” faith tradition. Named Independent Press Awards 2020 Distinguished Favorite-Western Fiction.

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Cupcakes and Crime (Gold Valley Mysteries Book 1)
by April Browne
4.2 Stars (332 Reviews)
Genre: Mystery | Fantasy

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The grand opening of Magnolia Winery is sure to make a splash until the General Manager is found dead in the wine cellar. Sophia Bell, owner of Mama Ginger’s Bakery and a not very skilled kitchen witch, is hired to cater the highly anticipated event.

But the job is no icing on the cake, especially when she winds up as the prime suspect in the murder investigation.

Her mother’s legacy on the line, Sophia launches her own investigation. With the help of her southern assistant, some honesty magic, and two fluffy dogs, Sophia uncovers a secret she never thought possible.

A murderer is living in Gold Valley, and Sophia is next on the list.

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A Bancroft Billionaire Brothers Box Set 1
by Ali Parker
4.6 Stars (334 Reviews)
Genre: Contemporary Fiction | Women’s Fiction

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4 Billionaire Romances for your reading pleasure…
Book 1- My Last Love Affair
Get Married. Have a child.
These are the only two rules to get my inheritance.
Neither of which I want. My billionaire life doesn’t play well with either idea.
But no one asked me. My father’s company is up for grabs, and whichever of my brothers makes it to the finish line first wins.
In no time, I’ve found the perfect woman to play my fake fiancée while I figure things out.
Beautiful. Smart. Strong.
Everything I crave in a relationship and more.
But there’s a problem. She’s got a past I can’t ignore.
Not with just anyone.
With my younger brother.
To top it all off, she gets pregnant.
And the one person she doesn’t tell?

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The Weird Middle Ages: A Collection of Mysterious Stories, Odd Customs, and Strange Superstitions from Medieval Times
by Charles River Editors
3.5 Stars (377 Reviews)
Genre: History | Religion & Spirituality

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In the time period between the fall of Rome and the spread of the Renaissance across the European continent, many of today’s European nations were formed, the Catholic Church rose to great prominence, some of history’s most famous wars occurred, and a social class system was instituted that lasted over 1,000 years. A lot of activity took place during a period frequently labeled derogatively as the “Dark Ages,” and while that period of time is mostly referred to as the “Middle Ages” instead of the Dark Ages today, it has still retained the stigma of being a sort of lost period of time in which Western civilization made no worthwhile progress after the advances of the ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome.

In reality, this oversimplification of the Middle Ages overlooks the progress made in the studies of sciences and philosophy, especially during the High Middle Ages. It also ignores the fact that one of the most important inventions of the last millennium was created in Germany during the Late Middle Ages, the printing press, which allowed the Renaissance to move across the continent and help position Western Europe as the wealthiest region in the world.

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The Federation Trilogy (The Max Pappus Adventures Book 1)
by Michael Darrow
4.5 Stars (57 Reviews)
Genre: Science Fiction | Action & Adventure

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23rd Century Federation Marshal Max Pappus is in trouble – and he knows it. Shot down and injured on the hostile planet of Xango-3, he would have to save himself. With the help of his trusted ship’s AI computer and a small tribe of friendly Xangreeos – and driven by the lust for revenge, he repairs his ship and leaves, but not before falling in love. Will Max Pappus get his revenge? Will he return for the girl? Max Pappus sets out on a trek that takes him to other worlds – putting him and his comrades at odds with several races until what end may come…

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