I so cheated. I found a Monarch caterpillar on a milkweed plant in the garden section at the hardware store. After checking every sing leaf of the other 15 plants, I grabbed the plant he was on and a second for good measure. I only had him for a a week and he is already going into his J hang. I am thrilled! It is taking everything I have not to go back to that store see if there is a new shipment of milkweed with caterpillars. I promised myself I would not spend a bunch of money on Milkweed just for the caterpillars, but now that I have found one, I am finding my self control is not that strong. All this for a bug that doesn’t even like me and will fly away as soon as it gets the chance.

The Girl Once Known
by R.M. Demeester
4.1 Stars (30 Reviews)
Genre: Women’s Fiction | Thrillers

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After a violent hit-and-run shatters Mira Harris’s life, she finds herself at a crossroads.

Before the accident, Mira, haunted by a childhood shaped by dysfunction and the recent return of her estranged father, has always sought order to cope. Her relationship with Joseph Oliver, a young man with a troubled past, provided a semblance of balance. But now, with her trust broken and her body battered, to find out who wanted to harm her, she must peel back layers of lies, confronting not just the driver’s identity but the very fabric of her childhood.

As the truth inches closer, Mira and those closest to her face a reality more daunting than her injuries. Is uncovering the truth worth the risk and the personal cost not only to Mira but also to those closest to her?

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The Last Letter (The Letter Series Book 1)
by Kathleen Shoop
4.1 Stars (2,670 Reviews)
Genre: Historical Fiction | Literary Fiction

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Katherine wouldn’t have believed it if she hadn’t found the letter…

In the summer of 1905 Katherine Arthur’s mother arrives on her doorstep, dying, forcing her to relive a past she wanted to forget. When Katherine was young, the Arthur family had been affluent city dwellers until shame sent them running for the prairie, into the unknown. Taking her family, including young Katherine, to live off the land was the last thing Jeanie Arthur had wanted, but she would do her best to make a go of it. For Jeanie’s husband Frank it had been a world of opportunity. Dreaming, lazy Frank. But, it was a society of uncertainty–a domain of natural disasters, temptation, hatred, even death. ??

Ten-year-old Katherine had loved her mother fiercely, put her trust in her completely, but when there was no other choice, and Jeanie resorted to extreme measures on the prairie to save her family, she tore Katherine’s world apart. Now, seventeen years later, and far from the homestead, Katherine has found the truth – she has discovered the last letter. After years of anger, can Katherine find it in her heart to understand why her mother made the decisions that changed them all? Can she forgive and finally begin to heal before it’s too late?

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What Makes a Man a Hero?: Stories about Men for Father’s Day
by Daphne Simpkins
4.8 Stars (7 Reviews)

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When my claustrophobic sister Julie Ann and her down-in-the-back husband Jody were trapped on a stalled elevator in a posh hotel, they were not alone in their distress. Two young male execs were with them. As soon as the elevator lurched heart-stoppingly close to a place near a floor level, the two young men were able to wedge open the elevator door just enough to squeeze up and through. The two executives escaped, leaving behind my sister– a grandmother– and her husband Jody, her hero.
I heard later from my sister that, “Jody couldn’t believe his eyes–two young men leaving me behind! But my Jody, with his back hurting, pushed me up and out through the tight elevator doors and then he pulled himself up and out. Once we were out of there, Jody put me in a chair and said, ‘Sit tight. I’m gonna get you a biscuit and a cup of coffee.'”He did–her hero with the bad back.
Our hero, too. For that single story of Jody’s faithful care and resilience is not the only story of his heroism that pervades family life. Like most heroic men, he endures, and the stories of his endurance are like other family’s fathers and men who take care of their families and of family business.Family lore captures the stories of all kinds of men and fathers who are inherently, because of their very nature and integrity, daily heroes.

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Lost in Lombardy: Inspired by a True Story
by Lorna Neligan
4.8 Stars (18 Reviews)
Genre: Women’s Fiction

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He shattered her dreams. But not her spirit.
It’s 1990. With a leap of faith and three bulging suitcases, New Yorker Jayne Boland joins her almost-fiancé-boyfriend in Como, Italy, to start la dolce vita. That is until her stilettos step off the plane and lover boy’s ti amo – I love you – chills into a frosty finito – I’m finished.

Devastated by his betrayal, the gutsy twenty-four-year-old flees to the glittering fashion capital, Milan. But the killer city of trendsetters and luxury boutiques is unforgiving to a foreigner with more ambition than Italian fluency. Luckily, a chic acquaintance steers her to unfamiliar territory – and an opportunity to land her ultimate dream job.

Guided by fate, humor, and an unlikely mentor, Jayne tailors her own career path on a quirky road trip through gorgeous Lombardy, Cortina d’Ampezzo, Venice and Croatia. Delve into her transformative journey where imagination, family sagas, and self-discovery are sewn together in an inspirational and entertaining quest for a second chance.

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West End Justice (A Detective Morgan Foster Vigilante Justice Thriller Book 1)
by KJ Kalis
4.4 Stars (580 Reviews)
Genre: Thrillers | Literature & Fiction

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In the small town of West End, West Virginia, Detective Morgan Foster is living a life of secrets.
After the murders of her husband, Peter, and fellow officer, A.J. Roth, Morgan has gone into hiding with her teenage son, keeping her head down and her mouth shut.

She figures it might be the only way to survive.

Cold dark mornings in West Virginia always put her in a bad mood. Discovering two dead bodies at her waitressing job only makes it worse.

Unable to ignore her gut instinct that tells her the deaths at the very place she works are no coincidence, Morgan gets caught in a web of murder, lies and secrets…

Not to mention it’s a stark reminder of the six figure bounty hanging over her head.

With her enemies from Tampa closing in, Morgan decides to confront her past and face-off against the people who terrorized her and nearly took her life.

Before long, Morgan is in the sights of the people that want her dead once again. She will have to put everything on the line to survive and get vengeance for the deaths of the people she loved and lost. But the threat to her and her son is real. Can she solve the murders before she becomes the next body to drop?

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