The Dragon-King is dead and revolution is in the air, but the biggest problem Lahnos faces are the horns growing out of his head. He has a choice to make – fight for a homeland that hates him, or sit back and watch the Serpent Isle burn?

Serpent Dominion: An Epic Fantasy Adventure (The Magelands Dominion Book 1)
by Christopher Mitchell
4.7 Stars (19 Reviews)
Genre: Teen & Young Adult

Lahnos Laimos is not ashamed of his horns.

For refusing to file them down, Lahnos is cast out by his family and expelled from his home in the mountain village where he was born.

The horns reveal a dark secret, that Lahnos shares his ancestry with the Bullan – the feared and loathed soldiers occupying the Serpent Isle.

When the Island rebels against the ruling Dragon Dominion, Lahnos has a choice to make – fight for a homeland that hates him, or sit back and watch the Serpent Isle burn?

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