Parul and Mohini navigate forbidden love and societal expectations. When Parul’s secret affair jeopardizes the Sens, she faces a choice that could redefine their lives. A tale of love, loyalty, and rebellion, challenging norms in a world where personal choices shape destinies. Will Parul defy expectations or succumb to societal pressures?

Everything Here Belongs To You
by Saborna RoyChowdhury
4.5 Stars (144 Reviews)
Genre: Historical Fiction | United States

As Parul grows older, she becomes increasingly unhappy and resentful with her lot in life. Mohini struggles with their relationship as well, never sure whether to treat Parul as a sister or a servant. When Parul has a passionate, secret affair with Rahim, a radical Muslim, the careful order the Sens have maintained is thrown into chaos.

Parul must decide where her loyalties lie when Rahim asks her to betray the Sens and endanger a young American man who is staying with them and to whom Mohini is attracted. Parul’s choice will shock the family and determine everyone’s future.

Follow the powerful and emotional story of two young women, Parul and Mohini, as they navigate their complex relationships and the strict societal expectations placed upon them. As tensions rise and secrets are revealed, one woman is faced with a heart-wrenching choice that will determine the fate of those around her. This beautifully written and deeply intimate exploration of love, loyalty, and identity will leave you questioning the norms and expectations placed upon us and the power of our own choices.

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