Death comes calling where Dr. Agnes Taylor least expects it. It prowls a conference, lies in wait on an idyllic island, and stalks the college campus. Where will it lurk next? A philosopher by trade, Agnes must take a crash course in sleuthing to safe her own skin before a killer strikes trice…
Conceived in the Agatha Christie tradition of classic mysteries, cerebral sleuthing meets the pitfalls of human nature in this Agnes Taylor Mystery series.

New Release November 11, 2023 – Amazon Reader Review
***** Excellent! Eva Bernhard has presented a mystery with dynamic characters and an engaging plot. There were times in the story when I thought I knew who the guilty party was but twists and turns had me questioning myself until the very satisfying end. I highly recommend this book.

Absent Beauty: Agnes Taylor Mystery – Short Read Prequel
by Eva Bernhard
3.8 Stars (92 Reviews)
Genre: Women’s Fiction | Contemporary Fiction | Mystery

FREE for a limited time

For Fans of Classic Whodunit Mysteries

A Two-Hour-Read Novella — Plotted in Canada

When best friends Agnes and Rachel attend a conference at a Halifax university, they expect some intellectual thrills. But they never dreamed of running into a murdering predator.

While Rachel gets to meet a charismatic professor she admires, nothing goes right for Dr. Agnes Taylor. As a job-seeking philosopher, she wants to impress fellow academics with a brilliant paper on a thorny ethical issue. She soon comes under attack and her one-man audience threatens to kill her knock-down argument.

Even the lunch date with her mother, Sera, who teaches at the university, does not pan out. There’s too much upheaval caused by Tania, a student no-show who was to pick up the famous keynote speaker at the airport. No one knows where Tania is.

The trip to the foggy Maritimes challenges not only Agnes’s moral beliefs, but her deductive skills.

Can Agnes stop the evil?

This Short Read Prequel — a murder mystery novella — introduces budding professor sleuth, Dr. Agnes Taylor from Ontario, Canada. It is set a few years prior to Silent Sands, Book 1 of the Agnes Taylor Mystery series. Bonus chapters included with this prequel!
The books in this series can be read in any order.

Click here to get this book for FREE

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WRITER’S DEATH (Agnes Taylor Mystery)
by Eva Bernhard
4.3 Stars (6 Reviews)
Genre: Action & Adventure | Mystery

The death of a student shocks everyone at Bowman College in small-town Ontario.

Did a prof drive the student into suicide? Malignant rumors are rife.

Her friend Jac begs philosophy professor Dr. Agnes Taylor to disprove the viral gossip now threatening to kill Jac’s pet project, the Creative Writing Program.

When an attractive fellow instructor offers to play Hastings to her Poirot, Agnes agrees to investigate.

Can Agnes figure out the truth before the sleuthing permanently damages her friendship with Jac and jeopardizes their careers?

Is Agnes prepared to risk everything she believes in and holds dear?

Click here to get this book for $5.99

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Silent Sands (Agnes Taylor Mystery)
by Eva Bernhard
3.6 Stars (524 Reviews)
Genre: Parenting & Relationships | Holidays | Mystery

A cottage retreat on a North Sea island is the perfect place to reconnect, relax, and recharge. Unless it harbors a dead body on a beach…

Dr. Agnes Taylor has no great expectations for this holiday with her mother but hopes for a fresh start. She soon finds old habit die hard. Patterns of long forgotten behaviors resurface to her dismay.

The island’s small town is far from relaxing. It’s overrun by protesters against a wind turbine project that has locals and summer residents at loggerheads. The heated debate carries into Bosum’s market square and attracts hordes of loafing tourists. A philosophy professor like Agnes cannot resist the allure of controversy.

In the heat of summer, tempers flare and resentments broil.

When she finds her mother huddled by a dead body, Agnes must act.

Slowly, Agnes realizes her mom knows far more than she’d ever expected…

Click here to get this book for $2.99

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