The Miracles and Millions Saga. A 10-book epic tale of betrayal, redemption, love, friendship and souls. On the day Dorothy Lyle turns forty she is single and living a routine nine-to-five existence. That all changes when she wins a fortune and is propelled into the realms of Ireland’s super-rich. While Dorothy likes the idea of being rich beyond her wildest dreams, she soon finds her wealth brings its own set of problems. Problems compounded by her unique and amazing ability.


Dorothy Lyle in Avarice: Book 1 of the Miracles and Millions Saga
by Ella Carmichael
3.8 Stars (149 Reviews)
Genre: Action & Adventure | Sagas

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Two minds, two bodies, two hearts, one soul.
Avarice: Welcome to the first nibble of the giant cookie that is the extraordinary journey of Dorothy Lyle from unknown single parent to household name. A journey in ten parts that propels her out of her self-imposed lonely state into a love affair that defies all human limits.
About Book 1:
On the day that Dorothy Lyle turns forty she is still single and living a boring, routine existence of a nine-to-five life. This has never been part of her great life plan, and is a niggling and constant source of frustration.
That all changes, along with her life, forever, when she unexpectedly wins a fortune on the lottery and is suddenly propelled into the realms of the super-rich elite. Everything that money can buy suddenly comes within reach for her.

And while Dorothy likes the idea of being rich beyond her wildest dreams, she soon finds that it will bring its own set of problems. A set of problems compounded by her unique and amazing ability.

In the old days when she had been just plain old Dorothy, it had been easy to hide her psychic powers. But now, rich beyond belief, it’s going to be so much harder. When her dreams and visions start to become more vivid and frightening than usual, she wonders if any amount of money can protect her from her own gifts.

Since the age of nineteen she has been aware that a shadowy presence travels with her. This being provides solace and protection whenever the going gets tough, yet seldom provides a straightforward answer to her questions. What do the dreams and visions mean, and why does one particular strange and dangerous man keep appearing to her? The universe is talking to Dorothy, but is she ready to listen?

Book 1 of the Miracles and Millions Saga. A story of hope.

The novels in this series are not standalone and have caused many readers sleepless nights as they wade through all ten, determined to break their own reading record. Check out the boxed sets.

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Dorothy Lyle in Colour (The Miracles and Millions Saga Book 2)
by Ella Carmichael
4.3 Stars (46 Reviews)
Genre: Contemporary Fiction

Miracles and Millions – Book 2

Two minds, two bodies, two hearts, one soul. Colour picks up where Avarice left off, and continues the story of Dorothy Lyle’s great adventure as a psychic woman whose fortunes have changed overnight. She is back, and she is brasher and sassier than ever. With a new-found wealth that allows her to holiday in Rome like a celebrity, while gambling away enough cash to feed a small Central American country. She is having fun, living life on the edge and to the full, determined to enjoy her status as a woman of wealth and leisure. And she’s doing it in style.


But when Dorothy decides to treat herself to a tarot card reading one day, she is stunned to hear the medium’s prediction for her future. Why would someone want to hurt her? What could she possibly have done to make such an enemy? Dorothy tries her best to ignore the portent, but she cannot get the words of the mystic out of her head and they continue to haunt her, lurking in the deepest recesses of her mind. And when the spiteful text messages and malevolent phone calls begin, the words of foreboding return to her and she begins to question her very sanity.She begins to wonder if there is some truth to the warning after all. Is it possible that betrayal and catastrophe are lying in wait, ready to destroy her new life before she can fully enjoy it, or blow all the cash?

Miracles & Millions – A Story of Gratitude. Be prepared for IRISH MAMMIES, THE COMPLETE AND UTTER ABSENCE OF VAMPIRES – HOT OR OTHERWISE. SOME PROFANITY – IRISH STYLE.Colour is not a standalone novel.Check out the boxed set of 1-3 which is now available.

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Dorothy Lyle In Help (The Miracles and Millions Saga Book 3)
by Ella Carmichael
4.8 Stars (32 Reviews)
Genre: Horror

The Miracles and Millions Saga

Two minds, two bodies, two hearts, one soul.

Help continues the story of Dorothy Lyle’s great adventure as a powerful psychic and newly made millionaire. In this chapter of the tale, we find our heroine waiting in dreaded anticipation of the day she will have to leave her apartment and move into the gigantic new mansion it has taken almost a year to complete.

Deep down she knows that she was crazy to have commissioned such a bespoke eyesore, just because a random American appeared to her in a vision. Actually four visions. And a dream. Three nights in a row.

Such a concentration of visions must mean she’s doing the right thing? Right?

Refusing to express her fears, she is becoming increasingly aware that this life’s challenges are unlikely to vanish just because she’s rolling in cash. She wonders how she and her trusted housekeeper would cope in a modest-sized house, without the benefit of a media centre, a glass staircase or life sensing toilets. She suspects that they would thrive, yet deep down she knows that the simple life is no longer an option.

And as the Sick Puppy ups the nasty game of cat and mouse, only the modern-day fortress that is her new home stands between Dorothy and a terrible fate. Perhaps the universe does know what it’s doing after all.

Not a standalone novel. Check out the boxed set of 1-3 now available.

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Dorothy Lyle In Hunted (The Miracles and Millions Saga Book 4)
by Ella Carmichael
4.7 Stars (24 Reviews)
Genre: Horror

The Miracles and Millions Saga

Two minds, two bodies, two hearts, one soul.

Not a standalone novel. BOOKS 4-6 ARE AVAILABLE AS A BOXED SET! The latest instalment in the Dorothy Lyle series sees our heroine receiving funeral-planning literature and porn in the post. She’s thinking about buying an armoured vehicle and a bullet-proof vest. And of course her mysterious stalker still wants her dead.

Now that she has finally had to admit that she is being hunted like prey by her shadowy pursuer, she has decided to hire bodyguards. She’s also embarking on a relationship with stylish TV presenter Marty Lovegood. Things are never dull or uncomplicated in Dorothy’s crazy life.

And with the one man army of ex-Navy SEAL Jack Maddox to look after her, you would think that she would be safe enough. But with the bad guys now closing in for the kill, will his particular skill set be enough to protect her from them?
Miracles and Millions – A story of Faith
Not a standalone novel

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Dorothy Lyle In Clarity (The Miracles and Millions Saga Book 5)
by Ella Carmichael
4.5 Stars (21 Reviews)
Genre: Women’s Fiction | Action & Adventure

The Miracles and Millions Saga

Two minds, two bodies, two hearts, one soul

Not a standalone novel. BOOKS 4-6 ARE AVAILABLE AS A BOXED SET! ‘Women are like tea bags. You never know how strong they’re going to be until you dunk them into hot water.’

Dorothy knows that Jack Maddox has been sent to her by a higher power. It’s a power that sometimes even she doesn’t completely understand, and she wonders if she made the right decision in appointing him as her head of security in the first place.

Because he can be just a little unpredictable.

Nonetheless, with a tenacious and gradually more alarming stalker still waiting to pounce at any moment, she is well aware of how much she needs the man and his particular skill set. Notwithstanding his propensity for occasional violence.

Jack is complex and difficult. He’s wrong and he’s repellent, and about as attractive to her as queuing in the rain.

She couldn’t possibly be falling for a guy like that. Not a super-sensible and respectable woman like her. Could she?

Miracles and Millions. A story of desire.
Not a standalone novel

Click here to get this book for $2.99

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