Winter is the perfect time for self-reflection. In “Humble”, learn about the power of humility to change your life and build authentic and sustainable self-confidence. Perfect winter reading as we look forward to what lies ahead this year!

Humble: Reflections On the Power of Humility and Its Place in An Ego-Obsessed World
by Peter Ash
Genre: Self-Help

In a world filled with distractions, self-indulgence and ego-driven ambition, it’s easy to lose sight of what’s truly important. Among the chaos of modern life, humility emerges as a powerful force that, if embraced, can help us navigate challenges, understand ourselves and those around us, and realign us with our true values and purpose.

“Humble” illuminates the countless benefits of adopting a humble mindset, and ultimately reveals that true strength and confidence comes from embracing our own limitations and building on our strengths and values.

Drawing from personal experiences and reflections, Peter Ash delves deep into the transformative power of embracing humility as a potent tool to navigate the challenges and distractions of life, build true confidence, and lead life as our authentic selves.

Click here to get this book for $4.99

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The Story I Tell Myself: How Self-Narratives Define Our Identity, Hold Us Back and How We Can Change Them
by Peter Ash
4.3 Stars (19 Reviews)
Genre: Self-Help

You know who you are, right? Of course you do, you’re you! But what if who you think you are is actually holding you back, closing off exciting opportunities that are right in front of you, and preventing you from achieving your best potential? This book explores the concept of self-narrative, or the stories that we tell ourselves about who we are and our place in the world. In this book, I explore how understanding our own self-narratives and challenging them can enable you to change how you think about yourself and open up those opportunities that you could be missing. Using examples from my own journey, I provide a process that you can follow to increase your own self-awareness, understand what your self-narrative says and how it impacts your daily life, and gives a template on how to make changes to your narrative. We are powerful storytellers, telling ourselves our most impactful story of all. By understanding and changing your story you can make real positive change in your life. Use your own story to learn, grow and achieve what you want.

Click here to get this book for $0.99

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